Business Research Analysis

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Business Research Analysis

Business Research Analysis

Part One


What is your ID: __________

What is your gender: 1=male; 2=female

What is your origin: 1=UK; 2=EU; 3=International

What is your Postcode : 1=NX1, 2=NX2, 3=NX3, 4=NX4, 5=Other

How often the student feels Threatened or unsafe in the city at night

1=Never; 2=Occasionally; 3=Often; 4=Always

Number of Uses of the Safety Bus: __________

What is the distance (in kilometres) from term - time accommodation to TWU Union

What is the Distance (in kilometres) from term - time accommodation to nearest public transport, e.g. bus stop

Donation (in pounds) that student would be willing to pay for a bus ride if they could choose the price they paid.

Rent (in pounds) per calendar month: ___________

Literature Review

Business research means a research undertaken in order to find out the implications of a phenomena or a variable on a business's operations, strategies, and results. Business researches are conducted to find out the variables that lead to revenue generation by positively effecting various business situations. Through conducting a research in existing business market, an organization can get closer to fulfilment of its purpose of existence i.e. profit maximization. The main purpose of a business research is to benefit a company through helping it to build both internal and external competitive competencies that would lead to its success (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2007, p. 560).

Research Philosophy

Research philosophy means the development of a distinct nature of knowledge. The knowledge development tasks a researcher undertakes are based on a theory of motivation. A research attempts to answer a question, explain a phenomenon, or discourse on the cause of effect relationship of variables and thus, results in new knowledge creation. For that reason, any research philosophy adopted has certain important assumptions underlying your perspective of the issue at hand. As a consequence, the research philosophy impacts the practical considerations and knowledge development (Holden & Lynch, 2004. p. 398).

Researchers who adopt the philosophy of positivism work on observable social reality and come up with generalize-able results. This means they aim to study a phenomenon in order to find out a credible result. Usually, under positivism the research hypotheses are based on existing theories. These hypotheses add to the further development of theory, which goes on to become a subject area of further researches. The positivist approach establishes no prejudice in the data collection and analysis methods, meaning the researcher is independent of and does not affect or gets affected by the subject of the research. These researchers use a structured methodology to assist reproduction (Gill and Johnson, 2002, p. 92). Though there is an emphasis on quantifiable results through statistical analysis, but not necessarily as sometimes they may have to use qualitative methods, as well.

Whenever a research is conducted, it is very important that the data that is being used and collected is tested for its reliability. This will help the researcher in knowing whether the research is reliable and whether the data that he is collecting is accurate or not. Analyzing these two aspects will help the researcher in knowing ...
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