Business Proposal

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Business Proposal

Executive Summary

At this time, when the companies are trying hard to get out of the deficit which they had to face during the worst recession this decade had, but there are some organizations that are dealing well with it. The majority of the non- profit organizations are recovering very rapidly as per the surveys of the economists. Many organizations look at the economic downturn as an opportunity to reconnect with their mission and re-design their strategic vision. The establishment of new partnerships also contributes in a great deal to have a higher level of creativity in their overall business structures but the decrease in their revenue system by not having enough donations effects their financial situation after the year 2000 but the trend of donation seems to be increased after 2007. This business proposal discusses about the non profit organization in which I am going to give charity, after winning the lottery money. It also evaluates the new project that will be started in coming future. The proposal also highlights the issues that are faced by charity organization, that become hurdles in attaining operational efficiency. The proposal will be studied to take final decision to give the charity to the organization.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary2


Organization Background5

Revenue system of “My Charity”6

Scope and approach of the organization7

New Project of “My Charity”8



Technical Project Plan11

1. Site Selection11

2. Promotion11

3. Participants/Attendees11

4. Agenda11

5. Food and Beverage12

6. Transportation12

7. Staffing12

Projected BudgetPlan12

Evaluation Criteria13

Risk Assessment Plan13

Fundraiser—Donor Relationships14

Conflicts of Interest15

Transparency and Full Disclosure16

Ethical Frameworks for Decision Making16

Management Plan17



The Heart of the Matter: Leadership and Management19

Values as the Bottom Line20

Charity association Personnel are Often Highly Diverse20

Problems are Especially Complex for the Small Charity organization20

Sufficient Resources to Pay Leadership May Be Lacking21

Too Small to Justify or Pay for Expensive Outside Advice21

Networks are Lacking22

Charity association Usually Have Little Time and Money22

Charity association Need Low-Cost Management and Technical Assistance23

Typical Nature of Planning in Charity association23


Business Proposal


“My Charity” is a non-profit organization working from America. The founders of this organization enable certain communities like Africa, South Asia, Latin America to have clean and safe water and sanitation. They work with local partners in order to deliver long-term solutions. After winning the lottery of $ 306 million, I will give the charity to “My Charity” organization to enable them to carry the operations effectively and also expand their services to more needy and poor areas.

Organization Background

“My Charity” gave the access of safe water and sanitation to more people in 2010, than ever before in 20-year history. The commitment, vision and passion of its donors, local partner's organizations, communities and advocates around the world made this possible. They are working in several countries which include Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, India, and Haiti. They gained their investment from the local partners, advocates, donors, and communities around the world. Their Local partners are Dustha Shasthya Kendra, Village Education Resource Center from Bangladesh, Organization for Rehabilitation & Development in Amhara, Relief Society of Tigray and Water Action from Ethiopia, Afram Plains Development Organization, Rural Aid from Ghana, Haiti ...
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