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Can Japanese Business Model be applied to Nigeria? What Nigeria should do to become successful like Japan?

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Can Japanese Business Model be applied to Nigeria? What Nigeria should do to become successful like Japan?

Background of the Study

Japan the second largest market of the world has witnessed rapid development and growth even after experiencing two atomic bombs combined with international limitations imposed during that period. Although, what makes the country successful has become the question of most of the studies, as this might help countries to follow the business model of Japan. Till now most of the countries are implementing the business models of US or few European countries because they are being perceived as key to success. Less number of researches has been carried out in order to find out what business techniques and tactics Japan as a country has employed that contribute in the rapid development of the country. Along with the development of the country the telecom industry also develop parallel with the growth of the country. In this research the business model of the telecom industry would be observed, what makes it successful and how the model can be applied to the telecom industry of Nigeria?

Comparing with Japan, Nigeria has also set the objective of becoming one of the biggest markets of the world. Chasing this objective Nigeria is also putting focus on how the country can get to their set destination. The economy of Nigeria is largely based on the agriculture or it can be said that the large proportion of revenue of Nigeria is generated through farming along with the support of many industries. Among different industries Nigeria telecom industry is one of the largest industrial sectors that contribute a large share in the GDP of the country (see Figure: 1.1).

(Figure: 1.1)

However, if compared with Japanese telecom industry Nigeria's telecom industry can be improved which ultimately can increase the share of Nigerian Telecom sector in the GDP of the country. Japanese companies are getting reputation all over the world, whereas; Japanese products are considered the symbol of quality. However, Nigeria, which is mainly reliant on agriculture and oil industry, could emerge as the main trading market for the world if proper plans should be developed.

Japanese way of doing business does not rely heavily on scientific management or something as identified by Tasie (2009) that Japanese business evolved without employing advance scientific management approaches and strategies, which have left whole world in the state of shocked, as America is the super power and is deemed as the most successful nation by developing countries that is why the business model of United States is being followed all over the world. (Kazmi, 2009) Like many other developing countries Nigeria was also focusing on the business model of US, although in this study, Japanese business models and the elements of their success would be highlighted in reference of telecom industry as recommendations would also be made in reference as how Nigerian telecom industry could adopt ...
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