Business Communication

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Business Communication

Business Communication

Assignment no 1

There are four stages of development that were faced by my team when I was working on a project of preparing a self generated business plan for the automobile organization. Our team consisted of five members including me.


In the first stage, we tried to observe each other while the participation and interaction level was low in the group. There was a little discussion on the roles and responsibilities and on the key position holding person. We tried to know each other in order to make ourselves aware of each other. Overall there were discussions on things that are needed to be done and to decide who is responsible for the different components of the plans (Svyantek, 1999).


I was selected as the team leader. The storming stage is considered to be the most difficult stage. We had faced differences within the team in the second stage. I had assigned different tasks according to the different specialties of the group members as it was a group of diverse people. The disagreements and lack of understanding had been faced on the process and working stage. It was mainly on having the writing part instead of research part. Here I have focused on maintaining the decorum of the group and adopted the persuasive technique to tried to overcome the issues of task assigning.


As the issues started to resolve, there was more focus on achieving the group harmony. I adopted cooperative style of handling the situation so that the team could focus upon relationship building. The efforts had been made to resolve the conflicts arising from the position and task disagreements. Although, there was a feeling of being comfortable with work and relations but still there was room for the improvement.


Mutual understanding of goals and requirements are communicated in much better way. The relations in the group started to get better with the passage of time and effective participation had been showed in every task. We emphasized on helping each other at every step instead of just completing our own task. All the things went smoothly and a positive attitude towards the roles and responsibilities had been reflected. We started to trust each other and worked in a very friendly environment. This was the stage where I adopted delegating style and empowered the team to facilitate them with their decisions.

Assignment no 2

Relationship-centered role

Being a leader of ...
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