Business Analysis

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Investigating a Business and Analyzing an existing business

Investigating a Business and Analyzing an existing business


The main purpose of this paper is to select a newspaper and find a business for sale. I select the Pensacola newspaper. In this newspaper firstly, I discuss the business for sale and then describe the nature and other relevant information of the business. In the second part, this paper describes the nature and other necessary information and strategies of my existing business.

Part A: Investigate a business that is currently for sale

The business selected on the Pensacola Business Opportunities section is James Clothing store.

1. Describe the business

James clothing store is a clothing store in the New York City. The business has 2 branches along with a head quarters. The main sales of the clothing store are unstitched clothes, jeans, tops and male, female and kids clothing.

2. Include how you found your information

I have found my information from the ad given in the newspaper. In order, to find the rest information about the business I have searched the Internet and got the necessary information about the business (Eyler 1991).

3. Include asking price of the business The asking price of the business is $129.3 million.

4. Include good points about the business

The main good point of the business is its location. James cloth store is located in the main heart of the city. Anyone from the city can access the cloth store. Another good point about the cloth store is its quality products. Customers are loyal to the store because of the high quality of its products. Through this, James cloth store has gained a competitive advantage in the industry. The supportive and trained staffs are also a good point about James Cloth store. Supportive staff is considered to be the best motivator for the customers when it comes to the cloth stores.

5. Include weaknesses about the business

The main weakness about James Cloth Store is that it does not have an extensive range and variety of products. Customers do not find much variety when they come to buy the clothes for themselves and their acquaintances. This is the main thing which should be taken into consideration, when it comes to buying the James Cloth store. When a customer comes to buy a product, they prefer to find different varieties and then select from that specific variety, which is a lacking factor at James Cloth Store.

6. Include your recommendation as to it being a good opportunity - and why I would recommend that it is a very good opportunity

This is a leading cloth store and has incorporated many benefits. A person buying this cloth store will be in profit because of the customer loyalty. Customers are loyal for the product of James cloth store, which means that they prefer the products of James Cloth store over the products of other cloth stores. The main reason of this loyalty is the high quality of the products. This is a competitive advantage, and because of this ...
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