Brave New World

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Brave New World


The author of this novel is Aldous Leonard Huxley, grandson of the great English biologist Thomas Henry Huxley, the son of a great scientist. Besides his mother was the niece of the poet Matthew Arnold. After studying at the universities of Eton and Oxford, he worked in several newspapers and published four books of poetry before writing what was his first novel, Crome Scandals (1921). The novels that made ??him famous were old Hay (1923) and Brave New World (1932), and during that period of his life he lived in France and Italy. Among his more than forty-five novels include Die Old Swan (1939), Revisiting a Brave New World (1958) and Literature and Science (1963). Huxley also wrote critical scientific, philosophical, social, and became interested in mysticism and parapsychology.


This story written by Aldous Huxley shows a vision of our future. Around the year 1800 begins the new era, the era of Ford, and thereafter have a Ford instead of God. The story is set more or less, in the year 600 after Ford. It all begins with a visit from a student group Incubation Center and Conditioning of Central London. Here children occur because in the brave new world there are no parents or any family, and they are socially conditioned by sleep teaching, so the population is divided into different castes. Lenina is desired by all people of the Central and goes but lately with Mr. Foster, Bernard decides to invite to accompany you on your vacation to New Mexico. Ride the rocket to be blue and after a couple of days in a luxury hotel will book the wild. The reserve is completely different from Brave New World: there is the family, commit to one woman, are conditioned from childhood and they do not take soma. The soma is the drug taken in the civilized world when they feel sick or have any concerns. To meet the wild Bernard thinks that may be helpful for their own interests to take one of the wild London, and with the permission of the governor takes it (Clareson, 33).

John does not understand the people of Brave New World, is horrified by what he sees and after some incidents caused John, Bernard and Helmholtz Watson, a friend of the latter, are arrested and brought before the Comptroller. This realizes that Bernard and Helmholtz are not conditioned enough and they see the world from another perspective, much deeper, so they are deported to an island with other people who also have been there. Asked John to go with them but stops them so they can continue experimenting with it. The wild resigned to it goes away and takes refuge in a lighthouse only to die in peace (Clareson, 33).


This novel shows a hypothetical future society where individuality disappears giving way to a joint living, believing that this is the only way to achieve happiness for all. But to get this society are forced to resort to the ...
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