Brave New World

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Brave New World


The novel "Brave New World" was written by Aldous Huxley in 1931 and was published in 1932. The novel seems to come to the evolution of reproductive technology and its impact on changing society. This story is set in London of AD 2540 ( 632 AF in the book). The author explains that the society of the future is the concept of the ideals that form the basis of futurology.

This story is based on the study of the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Center and explains the role of social conditioning and artificial breeding of the world. At the beginning of the novel, the director (DHC), the Center presents the reader, new students on the tour and the facilities of the institutions, including surgery. Births in test tubes were the main focus of the tour biological assembly line (Baker, pp. 4-12). Initially they were shown the room fertilization, the Social Predestination Room, the bottling plant and the end of the Decanting Room. In addition, the DHC went on the various processes and plant operations to explain. Of these the most prominent was the Bokanovsky process was the first and the DHC explained: "If a process in which a fertilized egg produces 8-96" green shoots "that human produce in the end will be identical.

Conditioning is explained in the process is of the opinion that people have their fate, which is reserved for them and we cannot escape his fate to accept. We must be clear about what will happen. You must have faith in their destiny (Bedford, pp.74). Destiny takes place in the caste system, which is based in the social hierarchy, from great features such as intelligent. The author also talked about Alfa pulses ranging Epsilons drones.

Finally, the chapter also introduces the workers in this setting. Henry Foster plays a minor character in the story. Lenina Crown is playing the protagonist in the story's prominent role in changing views of the author plays.Analysis

At first glance, the dystopia, influenced by the reader in the way the author has played several characters in the book and how they impact on readers. What positions were generated after reading the book and how it would affect his thinking? Huxley, first makes his knowledge of the future world and its importance, because it explains the theme of "identity, community and stability." All management, planning and preparation of the world does not include these three principles (De Koster, pp. 10-14). The state of the world connected to the ends meet. The community plays an important role in influencing people's minds. The Fordist world, as explained in the first chapter is less threatening and disturbing compared to Orwell's 1984. The reader is here shown to mask the true happiness in a dark reality. Personal nature and humanity itself was influenced by the demands of the community and stability. This is due to the fact that it was said that the communities change, depending on the different requirements that are redirected.

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