Brand Equity

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Brand Equity

Brand Equity

Section A: Weighing brand equities

For the purpose of understanding the concept of a company's long-term, competitive position and projecting sustainable outcomes, it must be understood and comprehended that, in today's modern era with change as the only constant present around us, companies in almost all areas around the world have been in the process of understanding and comprehending the most suitable and effective alternatives, which would contribute towards company establishment and escalation with outstanding performance on a national and international platform.

With this undertaking of this paper, it will yield significant outcomes and highlights as to how companies manage their resources and pertain to deliver performance exceeding company targets and customer expectation at the same time. To put simple, brand equity implies everything that has previously taken place and currently happening, associated with the presence of a brand (Adler, 2008, pp.10).

Brand equity implies all the final results and outcomes that have been gathered and obtained after the tiresome, timely and reckless efforts. Strong brand equity accrues from the totality of the marketing mix and a brand alliance is just one potential facet in a marketing communications program. In addition to the entire core marketing activities that have taken place, augmented products, such as perks, promotional offers, customer relations, etc all shall pave way for contributing in the establishment and enlargement of the boundary of brand equity. All such efforts are not only directed for creating hype and awareness regarding the presence of the brand, but also as an attempt of revamping the perception that rests with existing customers.

Coming to the task that shall be covered in this section, we have taken up two companies that stem and root from one industry: sportswear and fitness clothing. The two companies chosen for analysis in this section are Icebreaker and Lululemon Athletica, two rather small, but growing companies and creating competition in the industry on a macro level. Both have travelled from long ago since the time of the idea generation, but have touched milestones and gained outstanding progress in the area of sports and fitness and contribute to progress substantially. With these companies making sound progress in the area of sportswear, they have individually created their own markets, targeting new and potential customers, who wish to either start afresh in the world of fitness or simply wish to come back on track from the time they last left the avenue of sports (Adler, pp. 235).

A little brief about each company


To begin with the discussion and analysis of the company, Icebreaker has been in the process of delivering and producing quality sports attire and fitness clothing, which shall help give an added edge towards the fitness training and dealing with sports wear to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle even in the cold winters of your home countries.

Lululemon Athletica

Lululemon Athletica has been in the business of delivering quality products to the people interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle even in freezing temperatures and at the same time ...
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