Brand concept strategies for global markets: Case study of Tesco in Turkey
I would like to thank my supervisor for supporting me throughout my project and giving his valuable suggestions. Finally thanks to all my friends and family for their utmost support and inspiration.
I, (Your name), would like to declare that all contents included in this dissertation stand for my individual work without any aid, & this dissertation has not been submitted for any examination at academic as well as professional level previously. It also represents my own views & not essentially the ones associated with university.
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Problem statement1
Theoretical framework2
Company Profile2
Tesco Turkey3
Success of Tesco4
Some interesting facts about the company Tesco5
Model Tesco6
Aims and objectives6
Research questions7
What influences brand value?8
Income Value-oriented brand valuation8
Price premium-oriented brand valuation9
Measuring the value of a brand10
The Emergence of Cultural Branding10
Qualitative Data Analysis13
Quantitative Data Analysis13
Data collection14
Time table19
When a brand is frequently used by a consumer and has that consumer's trust, the consumer is more likely to respond favourably to its advertising. These same consumers will be the audience that notices the ads more frequently than those consumers who either do not use the brand or have a less than favourable opinion of it (Robert 2008, 24-28).
Problem statement
Although the term or phrase of brand image has been widely used in a variety of technical and casual applications and researchers have measured and categorized the dimensions of brand image. There is a lack of unanimity regarding the measurement of brand image. Therefore, further studies are needed not only to understand the concept of brand image but also to define the techniques that can be used in the measurement of brand image. Within this context, this study will utilize Keller's customer-based brand equity framework in order to understand the concept as well as determine the measurement of brand image.
Keller's customer-based brand equity (2008) refers to the differential effect of brand knowledge (brand awareness and brand image) on consumer responses to the marketing of the brand. According to the literature on branding, brand image has a significant impact on the brand equity factors which are interconnected in a firm's value chain. While the antecedents of brand image could be principal sources of building a positive image to enhance success in brand management, there is little research on the antecedents of brand image such as brand awareness (Evans 2007, 70-86).
Theoretical framework
The current study is expected to provide several theoretical and practical contributions to the current understanding of brand image. Brand associations are, in fact, "the heart of brand-building". According to this branding literature, an examination into the characteristics of brand associations illuminates how consumers determine brand meaning, and ultimately brand preference.
Company Profile
Tesco is a significant international retailer. As a global business, the company perceives itself as having an important role to play in helping to minimize its environmental impacts.
Although based in the United Kingdom, Tesco PLC has developed into an international grocery and general merchandising chain, employing 440,000 staff ...