Boundaries In Marriage

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A Critique on Boundaries in Marriage

A Critique on Boundaries in Marriage

In this book author is presenting a model for maintaining a healthy relationship especially in marriage. The author has used theological and theoretical approach. Dr. Hawkins concentric personality theory has presented a critique with regard to weakness and strengths of their approach. The approaches provided in the book can be easily being applied to the relationships of most human beings. The author has pointed out that, love by itself is not enough for a marriage to thrive, he has also said, love is weakened, and assaulted when responsibility and freedom are present in the marital relationship. Relationship flourishes when there is freedom and responsibility in a relationship, so that it is clear that when a relationship lacks freedom and responsibility fosters resentment, fear, imbalance of control and power, and self-tenderness, all of which love drives out of a relationship.

. They state, “Your values make sure that certain bad things are”. There are six values that are promoted in scripture and that they believe produce great boundaries in marriage.


In many ways, Cloud's approach to developing and maintaining healthy relationships is comparable to the model of change proposed. Although Dr. Wilson takes a much more etiological approach to addressing dysfunctional behavior, it could be argued that, in a lot of ways her model of change is also a system of establishing boundaries. Cloud has emphasized on the importance of responsibility, ownership, and choice. Dr. Wilson's asserts, “we must each take responsibility for own choices”. Cloud agree to state, “When you cease to blame your spouse and own the problem as yours, you are then empowered to make changes to solve your problem” Additionally, as boundaries in many ways are about self-preservation. Dr. Wilson suggests that dysfunctional behavior is born out ...
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