Bisphenol A

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Bisphenol A


BPA is a monomer commonly used in the manufacture of epoxy resins, polycarbonate plastics, among other purposes (Association of Plastics Industry). These products are in turn used to manufacture everyday products such as baby bottles, sports bottles and Sippy cups (with the use of polycarbonate) and the inner lining of containers for food and beverage package (Beveridge Diamond 44)Another use of bisphenol-containing materials include the manufacture of optical media such as CD-ROMs and DVD-ROM drive, safety equipment, building materials, medical equipment, dental sealants, composites, storage tanks, gas cylinders, and the windmill blades, electronics; adhesives and coatings for coil furniture and household appliances (Association of Plastics Industry).Chemical propertiesMolecular weight 228.28634 [g / mol]Molecular Formula C15H16O2XLogP3 3,3H-bond donors to twoH-bond Acceptor 2Rotatable Bond Count 2Tautomer Column 3Accurate mass 228.11503Monoisotopic mass 228.11503Topological polar surface area of 40.5Heavy atom Count 17Formal charge of 0Complexity 209Isotope Atom Count 0Defined Atom Count stereocenter 0Undefined stereocenter Atom Count 0Certain graph stereocenter Bond 0Uncertain Bond graph stereocenter 0Covalently-entry of column 13D graph of the function of donors 23D graph of the function of the hydrophobic 1Function of 3D Ring Column 2Uses

However, before the BPA was used for industrial purposes, it was used in the medical field monitoring of complications during pregnancy( Anthony 89).In 1936, doctors found that BPA can be used as a synthetic hormone to mimic estrogen and help fight complications of pregnancy (Beveridge & Diamond, 2009). The results were evaluated by some practitioners even though BPA used for this purpose does not replace the use of diethyl sybestral, which were identified as more effective. Unfortunately, it was found later that these chemicals are cancer-causing agents, which contributed to serious defects of the reproductive (including vaginal cancer) in the daughters of those who took the chemicals during pregnancy (Beveridge & Diamond, 2009). This made the use of BPA for such purpose, to stop. However, in 1950, scientists discovered that BPA might be polymerized to produce commercial plastics (Beveridge & Diamond, 2009). This discovery has opened a new chapter on the use of BPA and, increasingly, continued to be used in the manufacture of epoxy resins and polycarbonate plastics.

Currently, about 95 percent of baby bottles sold are made with BPA ( Byrne Jane 34).Global production of BPA more than six billion pounds a year, and demand for chemicals has increased considerably in recent years (Association of Plastics Industry). Thus, it is clear that exposure to bisphenol widespread. The ...
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