In this study we try to explore the concept of bipolar disorder. The main focus of the research is on bipolar disorder and its. The research also analyzes many aspects of bipolar disorder and tries to gauge its effect on patients. Finally the research describes various factors and treatment of bipolar patients and tries to describe the overall effect of bipolar stress on patients.
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disturbances are characterized by mood swings from deep depression to extreme euphoria. They are sometimes rotated quickly, and sometimes single phase lasts for days. A number of people with this disorder also feel only depression, which is known as manic phase.
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder, formerly manic depression, is one of the mental illnesses designated as mood disorders. Several million Americans have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. But, this likely represents a small portion of the actual number of sufferers, since many people go undiagnosed. Indeed, experts have suggested that about one in five families has a family member who has or will experience a manic episode or depression. Consistent with the designation bipolar, this illness is typically apparent as two extreme moods; depression and mania, where aspects of behavior such as irritability or outright rage become extreme.
Types of Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is subdivided into bipolar type one (bipolar disorder) and bipolar type two bipolar disorder, based on the nature and major depressive episodes and shorter periods of inter-episode recovery. Correct diagnosis is particularly important with bipolar disorder, as up to 89% of the first episodes of illness in bipolar disorder are depressive, and during the course of the disorder, depressive symptoms dominate the clinical picture, so that milder manic or hypomanic episodes may be missed. Bipolar disorder is often missed or mistaken as a diagnosis and this can lead to unwarranted delays in initiating treatment.
Causes of Bipolar Disorder
By now researchers are not sure about the causes of bipolar disorder or manic depression. However, strong indications are available that the leading cause of bipolar disorder is genetic based which pass through generations from one family to another. The brain of people with bipolar disorder seems to be more sensitive to emotional or physical disorder and to interference in the transmission of nerve impulses that normally return to the peace and tranquility.
The Clinical Picture
Bipolar disorder is characterized by at least one manic episode or mixed episode (clear manic and depressive features present in the same episode). There may also be a history of depressive episodes, although this is not necessary for diagnosis. The hypomania associated with bipolar disorder does not usually cause severe acute impairment or hospitalization, but the instability in mood can lead to significant disability. Bipolar disorder is associated with a high lifetime prevalence of anxiety disorders and tends to follow a chronic course; with significantly more minor Bipolar disorder is a chronic, enduring mental illness, characterized by periods of elation and depression in mood. The condition was first documented in the mid-19th century. The French psychiatrist described a condition he called la folie circulaire ...