Bipolar Disorder

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Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder:

We all have mood swings. Periods or disappointment are natural reactions to the difficulties that arise in our lives. The loss of a loved one, problems at work or a deteriorating relationship are all factors likely to depress. Conversely, a resounding success or resolving a problem makes us happy and satisfied.

Bipolar disorder is also known as manic-depressive illness, is the psychiatric diagnosis that describes a mood disorder characterized by the presence of one or more episodes with abnormally high levels of energy, cognition and mood. Reflected clinically in states of mania or, in milder cases, hypomania with concomitant or alternating episodes of depression, so that the affected is usually somewhere between joy and sadness in a much more marked than those who do not have this pathology.

People usually have expression by an electrochemical imbalance in brain neurotransmitters. (Hofmann, 2002)Additionally, due to the characteristics of bipolar disorder, individuals have a higher risk of mortality due to natural causes such as cardiovascular disease. Despite being considered a chronic disorder with high morbidity and mortality, comprehensive care that addresses all aspects involved biological, psychological and social, can achieve complete remission of the crisis, hence the great importance of the correct diagnosis is concerned. (Reiser, 2005)

The basic element for the treatment of bipolar disorder is the awareness of the problem, your knowledge on the part of the patient and their relatives through psycho-education to enable them to cope with the crisis without fear unfounded and most valid tools as well as prevent relapse. Personalized drug therapy, especially during the stages of imbalance, is another key. Benzodiazepines, antipsychotics and mood stabilizers are the drugs most used.

Patterns of mood changes may be cyclical, often starting with a mania that ended in a depression. Some of these disorders are called 'rapid cycling' because the mood can change several times within a very short period of time. Other times it is called "mixed state", in which the depressive thoughts can appear in an episode of mania or vice versa. When bipolar disorder occurs in children, usually occurs in mixed form. (Lam, 1999)

Bipolar disorder is considered to be one of the highly complicated illnesses because it directly affects the brain. Students suffering from bipolar disorder have the same reactions as any person with this illness will have, but the educational process gets highly affected. There are different types, in which it is classified, varying from extreme rapid mood changes to very slow mood swings. Bipolar students should be treated with little extra care in to be provided with the same education as the normal students gets. They require flexible and special academic system which depends on the gravity of the disease. Such students need to go to those institutions which have skilled therapists and good counselors. Students have to suffer with mood swings even if they are not familiar with any if the elements present at school. They should be provided safety. They are required to know all the effects that the illness can cause and ...
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