Biblical Perspective On Commitment To Marriage

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Biblical Perspective on Commitment to Marriage

Biblical Perspective on Commitment to Marriage


Most Christians glimpse marriage as a gift from God and a sacred institution. Yet, in our know-how as marriage counselors, we have discovered that even mature believers often don't have a clear biblical cornerstone for their beliefs. Having a sound Christian viewpoint on marriage is crucially significant today as numerous in our humanity are seeking to redefine marriage to fit their specific communal or political agendas.

Created for Relationships

Love and connections are a centered topic in the Bible, starting in Genesis and culminating in Revelation. St. Augustine made the declaration, “our hearts are edgy until we find our rest in Thee.” God conceived us for a connection with Him. The entire of Scripture talks of our connection with Him: how to have it, how to contain up on it, how to rest in it, how to broadcast it, how to relish it.

But, God did not desire us to just have connection with Him alone. He conceived other ones that we might furthermore discover to reside with and love those He locations in our lives. He said in 1 Corinthians 12:18-21, “But now God has put the constituents, each one of them, in the body, just as He desired.” If God is in the method of putting us into the body of Christ (the Church), doesn't this furthermore signify He locations each one of us with the spouse of His choice?

Since God locations us in connections we should inquire us the question: Why marriage? What is it about marriage that is so significant to God? What is it about marriage that is so significant to me?

The Importance of Marriage to Each Spouse

Could it be that God has conceived marriage, the most intimate of human connections, for the reason of perfecting us, chiseling off our self-centered human environment, and producing us more “other-centered”? Isn't this what He entails when He states that we are being conformed to the likeness of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29 - “For who He foreknew, He furthermore predestined to become conformed to the likeness of His Son ...”)? How best to make us “other-centered” than to give us a spouse, very distinct from us, to hone us into His image?

The Importance of Marriage to God's Plan for Mankind

Marriage furthermore has reasons after each one-by-one marriage that concern to God's design for mankind. In detail there are three clear reasons delineated in Genesis:

1. Reflect

Christian marriages are to contemplate God's image:

Then God said, “Let us make man in our likeness, in our likeness.… So, God conceived man in his own likeness, in the likeness of God he conceived him; male and feminine he conceived them” (Genesis 1:26-27).

Each one-by-one (as a male and as a female) is conceived in the likeness of God. However, a wed twosome has a exclusive capability to contemplate His likeness as married man and wife. When we identify our reason is to contemplate the likeness of God, we glimpse that we have an opening to be a ...
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