Biblical Counseling

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Biblical Counseling

Biblical Counseling

Biblical Counseling of Ruth

Biblical counseling is about being one person dealing personally with other person. The discipleship is intentional (that is, it clearly depends on the teaching trait of the preacher) and at the same time target impact since it brings a change in the values, lifestyle, virtue and beliefs of a person.

There are many churches which are well familiar and they also utilize corporate counseling which is represented by the line with dots over the life time of the person who is a believer. Thus it is said that there are many leaders would recognize that there is something still short of the spiritual growth in many believers.

I am the counselor of Ruth and analyzing her case to counsel her in a biblical manner. Here, the case of Ruth is very complex and needs to taken very seriously. From her behavior, it seems like she has been going through hell. She has become the victim of inferiority complex due to severe restrictions of her family wits and rules. As a Biblical counselor, I should develop Ruth gifts into two categories:

Donations of speech - the ability to communicate: teaching, evangelism, exhortation, wisdom, knowledge and prophecy

Gifts of service - the gift of oneself in service to others: using the faith, giving, administration and acts of mercy.

The most essential is to involve and a trustworthy relationship with Ruth. This is done through by careful discussions with the counselee. The involvement of the counselor is a condition considered important to the success of care project. It must therefore be sought by care professionals. It cannot be reduced to a simple adherence to prescribed treatment, which is not bad. In the standard of care project, the characteristics of the process state: "The counselor research with the care recipient and / or close to its resources and those to be acquired for the project care (Adams, 1978).

The health professional who asks people to get involved, should know that it is more efficient to obtain the support of patient care in the project when it was involved in its development. Having access to the objectives and logic of the plan established by the caregiver, it will be more likely to be involved in the implementation and participate in the regulation of care protocol in view of the results obtained and those expected. Particularly important is to reconcile the patient's involvement with the adoption of evidence-based choices. And 'now certain that when you participate in decision-making has increased his satisfaction, improved clinical outcomes, accept the decisions taken and adheres to the treatment decision.

Her most pressing problem was exclusion from the social life since childhood. If we look at the incidents of her life, we can conclude that because of extreme restrictions toward worldly life, she had to be extremely careful at every single step. She could not even talk or play with boy even when she was just six. After her marriage, she gets more packed with the things and feels like ...
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