Betterment And Compensation

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Betterment and Compensation

7Betterment and Compensation


The main objective of this study is to examine the question of compensation, the improvement in the process of awarding compensation for land expropriation. This situation is the opposite of the decrease in the value of land to be retained (injurious affection and redundancy). The paper focuses on the concept of better compensation in the amount of compensation to the analysis from the Polish point of view. In the first section a definition of "compensation value" is presented and evaluated. Based on that review, the document provides the fairest method to recover the value rue over the earth. In this method optimal recovery provisions should be separated from the provisions of expropriation. In addition, the development agreement with the support of probation with the development seems to be the main tool to recover. The method also solves the problem discussed in a public rex. Suggest that the deduction of a fee equal to the amount of infrastructure should be allowed a landowner only then required. Finally, the paper suggests that success rates can only improve to address the increase in the value of private property earned by the public project.


In general, the improvement period "refers to benefits that an owner is due to public activity on a plot adjacent to it has been expropriated. First, for a better understanding of the term" value "concept to improve recovery needs to be discussed. Improved recovery philosophy is based on the idea of Henry George. His book Progress and Poverty (1879) can be described as the Bible to recover. states that all public services should be financed by a single tax on land value.

With this economic backdrop of definitions related to improving recovery deserve a word of explanation. The improvement term "was best described by the Expert Committee on Compensation and Improvement (Uthwatt) during the work on reform of the British planning system in 1942 as an increase in land value (including the respective buildings) arising the action of central or local government, whether positive, for example, through public works or improvements, or negative, for example, by imposing restrictions on other land. This definition is still the most popular and best-known definition of improvement "in British literature. The idea of the United Kingdom Uthwatt led to several attempts to introduce a tax improvement. All were unsuccessful. However, now the planning gain supplement (GPS) is being discussed and eventually replace the bad planning obligation as a remedy for ineffective planning.

Another term to define is the improvement of compensation "(deduction of improvement). The concept presupposes that there is a retained portion of the land and the land value is retained after taking the value relevant of compensation. The basis of the temporary improvement is the U.S.. When the benefit of the nineteenth century - the principle of compensation is first used. Under this principle of compensation may be reduced by special benefits other property resulting from the implementation of a system of public ...
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