Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management


The discipline of Human resource management is concerned with all the issues of a business that influence matters regarding employees, hiring and firing, remuneration, compensation and benefits, training, and administration. The role of Human Resource Department of any company is to offer work incentives, information regarding safety procedures and sick or vacation leaves. The basic concept of Strategic Human Resource management is the proper management of people. It necessitates planning ahead for the betterment of company and also tries to meet the needs of employees in the best possible way. This certainly changes the way activities are performed at a business site which no doubt bring lots of improvement in the selection of employees and in the training programs for the proper assessment of techniques and discipline. In this paper, we try focus on the Human Resource Management. The paper will discuss about the issues that are related with the job. The paper will also discuss about the training activities. It also discusses about the recruitment activities. The paper will also highlights the selection approaches used, like performance appraisal systems, promotion systems implemented, pay parts, and the other benefits, and general supervisory styles and how they tend to support each other. The major aim of this paper is discussed these parts seem to be impacting employee morale, organizational efficiency and productivity, the work/life balance of the employees and the climate and culture of the organization. Finally paper conclude up with few recommendations for the organization that might make the parts fit together better, and those that might make employee morale, organizational efficiency and productivity, work/life balance, and the climate and culture of the organization match better.

Human Resource Management


Human Resource Management (HRM) is that the domain of the company, which focuses on the recruitments, management and provides direction to the people of the organization. Human Resource Management also deals with the hiring, compensation benefits, performance management, employers' motivation, training and means of communication within the organization. It also manages the workplace environment and culture. Good, productive HRM makes sure that the employees contribute effectively and productively in the overall performance of the organization. This helps in accomplishing the organization's goals and objectives. Human Resource Management has several goals (Torrington, 2008, pp. 23-54).


Human resources are a term used to describe the individuals who comprise the workforce of an organization. Human Resource Management (HRM) is a formal program designed to enhance the effective and efficient use of staff to achieve organizational goals. Essentially it is that people practice and hiring new employees to become members of their success to manage its separation from the scope of the company. Human Resources (HR) professionals to manage these programs, you can generalists or specialists.


The top most goal of HRM is to meet the business and management, rather than providing the reimbursement to employees. Another objective is to link the policies to the business goals and objectives. HRM finds ways to add value to the ...
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