The paper focuses on non-profit organization that is “Better Tomorrow” which intends to protect the future of youths that belong the Christianity as investing in the young generation will provide sustainable and long term benefits in the future. For that reason, it is important for Better Tomorrow to consider the macro environment, micro environment and SWOT analysis which will help in making the effective strategies pertaining to marketing that include identification of the target audience, effective communication process and choice of media.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary2
Rationale for Better Tomorrow4
External Situation Analysis4
Internal Situation Analysis6
Marketing Strategies7
Marketing Mix8
The study is related to non-profit organization that is “Better Tomorrow” which aims to secure the future of youths particularly Christian worldwide. The objective of organization will assist in solving out the problems that young generation of Christians is facing.
A world with happy, healthy and prospering Christian youths contributing positively to the world and improving lives of others.
Our mission is to help youth at risk by guiding them to follow the righteous path of Jesus Christ. We help the youth involved in violence and crime, gangs, dropping out of schools and other issues and transform them into responsible and positive citizens of the society.
Rationale for Better Tomorrow
Youth are our future. Investing in the youth will provide long term and sustainable benefits in the future. There has been increasing reports of youth resorting to violence, associating with gangs and committing crimes.
Better Tomorrow will help in preventing the youth from taking part in the destructive activities. It will ensure that the youth already in trouble are shown a righteous path so that they can correct their wrong doings and work positively towards the betterment of the society and the world at large.
External Situation Analysis
The external situation analysis of non-profit organization that is “Better Tomorrow” helps in understanding what societal factors possibly will make their impact on the future and how the Better Tomorrow is perceived in external environment. External aspects that will control Better Tomorrow are the demographic trends, technology changes, social factors, politics, economic environment, competition, public opinion and regulatory factors (Holland and. Ritvo, 2008).
In this context, the macro-environment creates a common framework for Better Tomorrow which consists of strict rules that include political, cultural, economic and administrative rules put in place by the market. For case in point:
Common and traditional laws.
Rules relating to exports and imports;
Non-profit organization legislations;
Property rights;
Corporate legislations;
Rules relating to the labor market etc.
Moreover, the external analysis of Better Tomorrow also consists of informal rules that include the following:
Cultural values;
Religious beliefs;
Cultural norms.
Besides it, some of the other aspects of the macro environment are:
The availability of qualified human resource;
The quality of the infrastructure that include energy, transport, communication, water etc.
The quantity and quality of natural resources.
In addition to this, the macro environment can offer opportunities, but can also create risks for Better Tomorrow. In this context, the examples of risks for Better Tomorrow include the following: