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Beijing Eaps Consulting

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Beijing EAPS Consulting

Beijing EAPS Consulting


Beijing EAPS Consulting (BEC) is the first largest provider of employee assistance in china. Its main aim and objective is to improve employee's psychological capital and also helps in relieving stress in employees working in different organization. It also assists organizations to develop a safe and healthy environment for its employees and also enhance organizational competitiveness and harmony by providing them adequate employee's assistance program services.

BEC over the years have gained a lot of experience in EAP services and broad service network. The company has provided services to government agencies, IT industries, fast moving consumer goods and manufacturing companies. The company has also developed close professional relationships with experts in psychology, professional counseling and trainers that contribute and provide these services to BEC network. (Walker, 2009)


Discuss the implications of co conducting project plan from the project and department managers' point of view?

Initially when BEC was established there weren't many projects. But after its agreement with the biggest china mobile company, BEC gained popularity and also there was a drastic increase in their potential customers. Therefore, BEC started to hire new employees and planned to restructure its organizations to meet the demands of their customers. With the increase in profits, the company president started to observe some problems in the organizational structure.

The problem lied in the project management. The role of project managers was not accepted by the departmental managers. Employees working in each department used to receive orders from both departmental managers and project managers. This would create confusion and conflict between the managers. When the conflict would occur, the employees would take decisions on their own judgment. On the other hand, project managers were uncomfortable with the departmental managers being at the same hierarchal level. They would feel that employees would not complete their task and they have a lot of work assigned by the departmental managers. (Walker, 2009)

Therefore, the project manager and the departmental managers suggested that there should be a need to restructure the entire project plan and clearly define each designation role. This would help in the organization growth and its performance.

Point out the strengths and weaknesses that have been made clear about the project plan to date?

Strengths of the project plan

The new project plan and the structure divided the organization into specific departments and functions. Project planning helps the organization in defining clear objectives. It helps in staffing the organization. It assists in defining clear objectives of every employees and its department.

As far as the BEC consulting is concerned, it decided to restructure its entire organization in the year 2005.with the increase in growth and workload, it hired new employees and decided to set up new departments. They made two project management departments and different functional departments. The two project management helped in reducing the number of project for each project management department. It also helped project managers in prevent scheduling conflicts. One more advantage of the project plan was that the two project management departments were assigned different departments according to ...
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