Becoming A Wgu Student

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My decision to become a WGU

My decision to become a WGU student

Choosing a University is not always easy; it takes patience and a lot research. But when you find a school that welcomes you with right open arms, a school that cares for your schedule and help you overcome you barriers and fear, then and only then you are certain, that that is the right school for you. This is my personal experience of the subject:

Back in 2008, I was attending University of Phoenix, we had many team assignments and it required me to meet with my teammates a few times a week. Their approach is very different from the one WGU University, many of the assignments we did, was done as a team. The problem however was that all my teammates were full time workers as myself, and our schedules did not match. Our team consisted of five members and in instances; one or two of the teammates would have to do all the work for the whole team. We had many oral presentations in class, and the grade was awarded for the whole team, not individually, so you can imagine how someone not being prepared for a presentation or paper can interfere with you personal success in school. After realizing that their approach was not working for me, I decided to finish my classes online with the same University. I thought it would be a little easier since you are graded for your work not the work of others. But soon I found that the student's website was poorly designed and it took me a great amount of time to understand how to use it. It was required of me to be in front of a computer certain times and that made me think twice about whether I could finish school or not. By the end of 2008 I decided to drop out of school because of my working schedule and also because I felt like I wasn't learning much online. My business was starting to take-off and I had to choose between school and work, so I chose work…and finally after two year I decided to go back to school.

After much research and application filling I found my dream school. The first thing that catches my eye when I found WGU University online was the tuition amount. But after researching their history and ...
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