Let me arrive clean and affirm my bias right up front. Idespise all things Disney. It is only a minor exaggeration to state that I accept as true that Disney is the emblem, if not the actual origin, of all that is bad in our culture. There feeling better having said that, let me state that Russ Rymer's piece, "Back To the Future," in the October Harper's, is one of the scariest things I have read.
Rymer's part is about a village called Celebration in Florida, a made-up, fake location being constructed by the Walt Disney Company near the Disney World topic park. Celebration is a Disney creation with a rotate: if it is thriving, and all wagers are that it will succeed, it will be populated by normal persons who want to reside in a world conceived by Disney. Rymer's item paints a portrait of the Florida development that gives new significance to the period "company town." The idea of Disney designing and construction small American towns from scratch is bad sufficient, but Rymer's descriptions of the location make my nightmares all the more vivid and horrifying. No preceding task has relished Disney's unique aptitude for mixing high-minded ideals with mass-market sentimentality to clothe a financial project with a sense of mission. On closer inspection, Rymer finds that behind the traditional facades of Disney's pre-designed houses lies "the celestial gimcrackery of a time-share condo....That dissonance of surface and depth...haunted more in Celebration than just houses" (Rymer, 1996, 56).
Critics argue that the theme-park model which Disney invented has escaped its tether to tie an animal up by the head or neck so that it can graze but not move away. See also Barton tether. and now mediates social relatives round the world. Shopping shopping centres, chain eateries like McDonald's, ...