Assessment Task

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Assessment Task

Assessment Task


Hard work and dedication towards whatever I do is the only key to my success. The way I have accomplished various important things in my life, I wish to continue this pattern and achieve my aims and objectives that would make a good overall person. I am responsible to Administer, organize, integrate, and evaluate the activities of the department and coordinate daily work activities of staff assignments/scheduling, quality programs and customer satisfaction.  In addition to formulating and administering policies, plans, budgets, and programs for the institution and the department, my responsibilities also include planning and scheduling the work of the services. Regular administration of plans, effective and efficient staff management along with improvements to the quality of care and services are some of my core responsibilities.

Position Summary

Attend conferences, committee meetings, staff development and educational programs to meet professional, personal, institutional and regulatory requirements.

Communicate with staff through departmental meetings, intranet and communication boards.

Establishes and implements policies and procedures in accordance with company policies, accrediting organizations and required laws.

Interact as a team member with other areas and departments to ensure efficient systems and customer satisfaction.

Monitor clinical operations and staff, recommending when necessary, changes in methods, procedures structure and/or changes in personnel to secure optimum utilization of resources.

Ensures adequate supplies are available, through proper inventory system and purchasing.

Perform other tasks and duties within the scope of the knowledge, skills, and experience required for the job, as assigned by the immediate supervisor.


From the summaries of my learning journals, I have managed to identify several patterns that indicate the need for improvement. The identified skills and attitudes can by divided into two groups. The first one relates to inter personal skills such as motivation, self awareness, time management skills, learning behaviour etc'. The second identifies weaknesses relates to my personal interaction and performance in a group. Here, I will address issues such as; communication and conflicts and negotiations skills. My poor communications performance has been recognized through events along my discovering journals. This is due to reason that a culture as the one in my country is collectivist, defined as 'societies in which a consciousness is emphasized through interdependent values such as cohesive in-groups, mutual obligations and concern for one's groups with unquestioning loyalty' (Bandura, 2000, 120-124).

In addition, from my observation of my team work performance and personal communication skills, a correlation between communication and responsibilities and the relationship has been outlined. Thus, trust and personal attitude have a significant impact on my personal communication. The outcome of strong communication skills can increase my ability to build and sustain personal relationships. The journals also indicated a pattern of poor time management skills. In relation to understanding personal values, the issues of self awareness and self confidante have been also emerged through the journals. Thus, the use of self efficacy can increase personal performance and achievement of personal goals. The self efficacy concept can have a significant effect not before a person realize maturity continuum where he distinguished among dependence, independence and ...
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