Article Analysis

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Article Analysis

Article Analysis

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Every aspect of human life has its advantages and disadvantages. Similarly, Mental Illness of people is also treated negatively sometimes, and people with such problems do not receive favorable treatment. The researcher sees such that such individual indulge in crimes that provide harm to others. They also know that serious mental illness criminalized. It is due to the fact that mentally people had to go to jail, the reasons behind putting these criminals behind jail. There are assumptions, which need to be studied. One of the assumptions includes mentally ill people arrested due to symptoms of psychiatric behavior and the threat to harm others. The second assumption studied in this research includes that mental illness may cause actual crime offenses.

The study was conducted by John Junginger, Keith Claypoole, Ranilo Layqo, and Annette Crisanti. In order to study the behavior of such mentally ill criminals and test the assumptions, the behavior of 113 post jail diverted participants and non diverted participants, studied. Police reports on the descriptions of the crime committed by these people and participant explanation for them were analyzed. A rating scale of 5 stars used by researchers, and finding reveal whether the crime committed directly or indirectly due to mental illness or any other problem (Davis, S, 1991).

Although it must be remembered, that there are certain kinds of mental illness and problems with individuals, which needs treatment only, not with punishing these mentally ill individuals. Various researches have shown that some individuals, who have committed crime, are due to mental disorder, there was no other issue that had caused such behavior, and hence it must be death accordingly with treatment instead of punishment. Hence an extensive research needs to find out if there is a direct link between mental ...
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