Are Leaders Born Or Developed

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Are Leaders Born or Developed


The research papers ask the most commonly asked a question that are leaders born or are they made. The answer to the question is very vague, since it is all our physiological game of what we perceive it the way to be. I think leaders are born, gifted by the qualities that we all have in a way or the other, but they realize them and take step to realize them and benefit other with it. A leader is an extrovert and realizes and make the possible way out of limited resources, which we all cannot do, it needs attitude and fearlessness. The research paper further defines the traits of the leaders, which they are bestowed.

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Are Leaders Born or Developed


Thesis statement: Leaders are born. There has always been the question asked by number of people, who studies leadership or management, that whether a leader is born or made. The answer to the question has not so far reached a single conclusion, since it is a question whose answer varies from person to person depending on their thinking. Who exactly is a leader is answered as a leader is a person who persuade and influences other to accomplish and strive to achieve objective which can be by coherent or being cohesive. Whereas, leadership is a process of influencing individual, to endeavor towards achieving common goals.

Leader is an individual who create a direction and track for the group who are working under him and tries to gain the commitment from the group of individuals and then motivates the group to attain the outcome of the specified direction. A leader is a person who is willing to take the challenge to do great work, it might fail him or her at first but the attitude of striving makes them successful in the end. A leader can emerge from any walk of life, it doesn't have to be a political leader or a business leader, it can be a leader at home, colony or community. They can belong to any walk of life, any background, any culture, and any kind of physical appearance. They are only determined by the capabilities, capacities, attitude, traits and character, which are followed by the followers, who make them thriving and successful (Avolio, 2005).

When we say that the leader are born not made, are justified by the point the there are two particular characteristics innate in an individual's personality and a person cannot learn to develop traits. Where some says that traits can be developed, but no matter how much you change they do to some extent having some lacking and inflexibility, for the traits you are gifted with. We might argue that a person can be bold and take decision, but that too depend on a person's inner capability, to have an immediate decision power without any fear. Fear is no trait we cannot avoid, where this trait is not posed by a leader, she do not fear or panic but are ...
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