Approaches for Balancing Issues of Criminal Justice
Approaches for Balancing Issues of Criminal Justice
Approaches for Balancing Individual Rights & the Public Protection
A belief in justice and fairness is a fundamental thing to present in a society. As, the there is no any inequality of human rights on the basis of using personal traits such as: gender, race, or ethnicity. In a legal setting, these are very serious concerns about the equality of human rights and these must be protected by the Public or Government. Even though, the declaration of independence of 1776 emphasized the conception of equality of all men in terms of equality with some basic rights of liberty, life, and happiness.
The next step after assigning an equal and fair life to every human, a need of establishing such equality is emerged and which can only be accessed by Public or Governmental facilities (Plessy Ferguson, 1896). For this purpose, a decision was made for the establishment of some equal but distinctive laws and rules by the Court in the year 1896. The rationale behind making those laws was to protect the Equal Clauses of African Americans so that they could also be accessed to al the facilities which were enjoyed by whites even they were separate from blacks. Such types of rules are formulated in a society for diminishing some segregation on the basis of races or gender to protect every individual human right as it is an essential responsibility of the Public.
Approaches for balancing the use of Reward & Punishment
Now a days, many societies have been well developed in the laws and regulations for making a comprehensive understanding to individuals of the society that how to survive together without any violation of some other's property or liberty. Societies also have developed a system of punishment for the circumstances when someone make violation against such laws but these societies have not yet developed any system of rewarding those people who do no violates ant laws and regulations regarding criminology. Just not getting any punishment is itself a reward for those people and for this case; many individuals in a society are developing their own systems of reward which could give some advantages to themselves and to their societies. The probabilities and chances for getting rewards are diminished if an individual has done with something which stumbles into a system of criminal justice.
The individuals who go on the wrong paths and make a violation against any criminal law then just have punishments so that they could be set back on a right path again. This thing looks weird and sometimes even wrong, when we take onto consideration that both the systems of reward and punishments are made for changing individual's certain behaviours and the ways of living life. But in general, individuals do not always change their behaviours if they get some punishments again and again and same is the case with getting rewards all the time. It then gives a sense to them that they are not ...