Apple Inc. And Ethical Decisions

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Apple Inc. and Ethical Decisions

Apple Inc. and Ethical Decision


Apple achieved high record revenue and growing figures in all types of customers, products and services in APJ & EMEA area. The company continues to grow faster than industry in all categories. New manufactory plants and sales offices are continually introduced to regions in order to save time and cost. The direct relationship model provides the powerful differentiator for the company to deliver satisfaction to customers of all sizes and types. These examples show success of Apple's customer-focused direct model that can be applied to all regions. It provides competitive advantage and opportunity for company's growth (Donaldson, 1999, p 78-90).

Apple has focused most of the resources to support large commercial and institutional organizations segment to sustain its growth by delivering superior services over competitors. In fact, Apple sells more computer systems to business organizations than any other company in the world. To adapt market change, Apple extents product categories to consumer electronics for better growth opportunities.

The company follows both the informal and formal communication in the hierarchy level. The chain of command is separated made in such a way to give the authority and empowerment in every region so as to make the innovation and decision making strong. The only loss that Apple faced due to this chain of command is the financial loss because of lack of check and balance of the financial aspect (Rugman, 2008, pp 115 - 136).

Aims and Objectives

The main objective of this initiative is the development of the market, "as we lead the professional publishing segment and we continue to maintain that leadership in the field of professional digital editing. To get to reach fruition, we have the latest technologies allow the creation of digital video, "said creative director of Apple Spain markets. For this, the company headed by Steve Jobs is very clear what steps you must follow to get their way in this market. "First, we have the solutions we already have happened, and second, to have customers. In this segment, there are many stakeholders, from the BBC called (weddings, baptisms and communions), to a video producer or a television channel; finally, have a dealer network that is able to offer our solutions to end users (Coughlan, 2006, pp 45-67).”

Apple's Vision

Apple's vision can help us to understand many organizational decisions taken at the company's history. The choice of a term such as "individuals” has at least one interesting implication that provides the idea of the individual decision-making autonomy which have always been subject to a work team and is strongly encouraged. Employees of Apple have often been encouraged to follow ideas and inclinations, and this has often led to development of successful products. Similarly, customers are highly individualized which is a very intelligent step to retain them, making them feel in a unique way (Barney, 2005, pp. 99-120).

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