Ethical Decisions

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Ethical Decisions

Case 1

According to this case, if I was standing outside a night club, observing and taking notes, and eventually a fight breaks up between the bouncers and two young men, I would be observing each and every behavior of all the individuals involved over there. This is because; we live in a society where everyone has equal rights without any discrimination and racism. If anything is going wrong in the society, it is our responsibility and duty to intervene in this type of a situation. Keeping in mind all these things, I would be definitely intervening in the fight between the bouncers of the night club and the two young men. Being a responsible citizen, I will be observing the whole situation and would be reporting it accordingly without any manipulation. The young men had filed the sue against the night club and if the lawyers came to me for justification of the proves, I will be ready to provide each and every possible evidence to them so that they can come with a right decision which is fair and without any biasness. Social role is a set of expectations for the unit of ownership of a particular social status. This is a set of rights and obligations arising from the occupation of social position. Each role has its own ordinances, prohibitions, and sets the margin of freedom.

The paradigm of the functional role is often used alternatively with the concept of function. Each social actor in the modern society plays several roles in society. In some cases, these roles can come together in conflict. Conflicts can be minimized by appropriate choice of roles. The social role of the doctor is not fully consistent with the role of such mothers (due to the dimension of time working). The role of the military is not fully consistent with the role of a Catholic. Each social role determines the other, but the social roles are structured in relation to the key role. If someone in the community takes up the role of the student, it is from someone else the community will expect the role of the teacher. The role may conflict with the personality of the man who wields it. It can be seen as a temporary personality, an image of the unit for use in a particular social context.

Case 2

Ethics in the Research Process

In the human sciences, ethical concerns are felt at the level of the practicing Researcher and are the focus of scholarly attention in the field of research ethics. Most of the ethical issues have to do with the Researcher's obligations and the limits on permissible scientific activity. Perspectives on these issues are informed by ideas drawn from a variety of intellectual traditions, including philosophical, legal, and religious. Political views and cultural values also influence the interpretation of researcher conduct. Ethical questions about scientific activity were once considered external to the research endeavor, but today, it is taken for granted that researchers will reflect on the decisions ...
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