Apa Research Paper

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APA Research Paper

“The cause of customer dissatisfaction at the local hospital”


Behavioral responses of dissatisfied and discontent clients or patients with services provided by health centers are of equally concern to both administrators and social scientists. The significant issues are related to the question of how to treat the client's complaints and deal with its dissatisfaction. This research paper is based on the study to understand patient's response and causes of dissatisfaction in local hospital. Considering this framework, the concentration of the responses and reactions will be evaluated relative to the patients' understanding the severity of the issues they experience, their usual satisfaction in relation to the hospital services and in relation to social power. In the modern community or society, people have become more dependent on services that are offered to them and supplied by organizations. Some of these organizations include public health services, which are known on the basis for public good. Therefore, the main objective of such institutes or organizations is to respond the public needs and requirements. Because in democratic societies, client holds the legal right to complain if the services provided to him are observed unsatisfactory. For this purpose, there are some formal means within and outside the organization which facilitate patients or clients to communicate their complaints.

Causes of dissatisfaction on the behalf of the patients, can be so many, because he has the legitimate right to deliver whatever he finds unsatisfactory in reaction to dissatisfaction with services, with the objective of having development made in the services for the client or for others as well. For the institutes or health centers, the complaints from the discontented clients can serve as social mechanism which can eventually help to improve and maintain services. Many patients are not satisfied with the services and care they get from their hospitals and may not consider it to recommend their family members, friends or relatives.


From the last 25 years, the attributes of health care services has got significant importance and customer satisfaction has been identified as a contributing factor to characteristics of quality care. Instead on the conformity on the inportance of customers, views for attempts to develop the quality of health care, there are still inadequate instances considering this procedure that mainly effect the evaluation criteria related to quality of health care. A method which is mostly practiced in western countries is “Patients satisfaction studies” which is very much helpful in evaluating processes of health care in order to improve and evolve customer-oriented service culture.

From the practical point of view for quality improvement, examining dissatisfaction would be more significant than examining satisfaction in the recognition of system malfunctions. As Coyle, (1999) indicated that, identifying terms and the meaning of dissatisfaction will facilitate the information on uninitiated beliefs considering healthcare functioning and source of criticism. This research paper intends to investigate the views about health care services; in this regard the main focus is to explore what causes the clients for their discontentment and dissatisfaction with health care ...
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