Apa Research Paper

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APA Research Paper

APA Research Paper

Uses and Purpose of Mar-Weeds

Marijuana has numerous likely health uses. Positive consequences are asserted for complaints for example cancerous infection, AIDS, and glaucoma. AIDS can origin a decrease of appetite renowned as "wasting syndrome", which can lead to drastic heaviness decrease and weakness. Chemotherapy utilized in the remedy of cancerous infection determinants nausea producing in an incompetence to hold down food. Marijuana's healing environment for these two illnesses is an outcome of its proficiency to boost a person's appetite as well as reassuring nausea, permitting a persevering to retrieve weight. Marijuana allegedly assists glaucoma patients by decreasing intraocular force that cans origin impairment to the eye.

    Marijuana is the widespread title for the pharmaceutical got from the hemp vegetation, Cannabis sativa.  Hemp is big yearly vegetation that can augment in nearly any climate. Native to centered and western Asia, hemp is one of the oldest plantings cultivated by humans. Hemp's most widespread farming use has been as a source of linen, cord, canvas, and paper.

    Hemp comprises more than 400 chemicals. The major psychoactive (affecting the brain or behavior) chemical is tetrahydrocannabinol, routinely mentioned to as THC. For over 3,000 years, the dehydrated ground departs, blossoms, and arises of the vegetation have been smoked, consumed, masticated, or brewed as a surgery to ease symptoms of illness. From the seventeenth to the early twentieth 100 years, marijuana was advised a house pharmaceutical helpful for healing such maladies as headaches, menstrual cramps, and toothaches.

    In the 1920s, as an outcome of the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution forbidding the construct and sale of alcohol-dependent beverages (Prohibition), the use of marijuana as a psychoactive pharmaceutical started to grow. Even after the repeal of Prohibition in 1933, marijuana (along with morphine, heroin, and cocaine) proceeded to be broadly used. In 1937, 46 states ostracized the use of marijuana.

    In 1985, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provided acceptance for the use of two psychoactive chemicals from marijuana to avert nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy in cancerous infection treatment. Medical investigators furthermore suggest utilizing marijuana to alleviate the consequences of glaucoma (a grave dream disorder), as a bronchodilator (a pharmaceutical that assists open the bronchial air routes in the lungs), and as an antidepressant.

    The source of the phrase marijuana is not renowned, but it seems to be a blend of the Spanish titles Maria and Juana (Mary and Jane). The pharmaceutical slang for marijuana encompasses such titles as Mary Jane, vessel, lawn, herb, tea, reefer, and weed. Hashish is the largest degree of marijuana. It is made from the resin discovered on bloom clusters and peak departs of the feminine hemp plant.

    The consequences of marijuana on a client change spectacularly as the dosage increases. Taken at reduced doses, marijuana tends to make a client drowsy and relaxed. The client may furthermore seem a general sense of well-being. As the dose rises, a client may know-how and changed sense of time and perception, and may have adversity accomplishing ...
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