Antisocial Behavior

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Antisocial Behavior in Children

Antisocial Behavior in Children


Antisocial behaviors relates to the destructive behavior in an individual. These acts are typically characterized by covert or overt antagonism, accompanied by an intentional lack of sympathy towards other individuals. Such behaviors are predominantly found in children and adolescents and can lead to criminal behaviors at a later stage in life, accompanied with a chronic behavioral disorder (Zaroban, 2006).


Antisocial behavior can be associated with the individual's aggression towards people and animals, property destruction, theft, and serious violation of rules and code of conducts. It is important to understand the classification, causes, factors, and ways to diminish the criminal effects of antisocial behaviors (Zaroban, 2006).

Components of Antisocial Behavior

The antisocial behavior in children, or even in an adolescent, can be categorized into two components. These are:

The presence of antisocial behavior that may relate to the intensity of anger, aggression and disobedience.

The absence of pro-social behavior, i.e. lack of communication, affirming, or cooperative behavior, can leave an individual, whether a child, adolescent, or a young person, in the state of behavioral disorder. These behaviors can be noticed during the development phase of a children, each portraying different level of antisocial and pro-social behavior. Some of them may display extreme, moderate, or low levels of both antisocial and pro-social behavior (Grogan, 2004).

Factors causing Antisocial Behavior

There are multiple risk factors that are a cause of the development of antisocial behavior in a child. These factors may be genetic, biological, and psychological.

Genetic Factors

Genetic factors are those that are related to the transference of genetic characteristics from parents to children. They are considered to be a substantiate part in the development of antisocial behavior. The major causes that genetically engineer the antisocial behavior in an individual are related to the abnormality in the structure of brain's prefrontal cortex. These structural abnormalities are normally due to the transference of affected genes from the parents to the off-springs. Such parents are likely to have an offensive history, as well.

Biological Factors

Biological factors responsible for causing antisocial behavior among children are drug usage of mother during pregnancy, birth complications, low-birth weight, and chronic illness to the child at a very early age.

Psychological factors

Antisocial behaviors are also influenced by some early age psychological factors including prenatal brain damage, and some kind of traumatic head injury. Psychologically, the home atmosphere also has an impact on the behaviors of children and adolescents. Media Exposure is also one cause ...
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