Annotated Bibliography Of The Controversy Over Illegal Immigration

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Annotated Bibliography of the Controversy over Illegal Immigration

Feere, John (August 2010). "Birthright Citizenship in the United States: A Global Comparison". Center for Immigration Studies., Retrieved 2012-03-04.

The author describes that each year hundred of young migrants die along these roads, as victims of shipwrecks in the desert. In fact to reach the Mediterranean, sub-Saharan immigrants first pass through the Sahara desert to either return to Libya or Algeria. In the U.S., volunteer citizen's form armed militias patrol along the Mexican border.

Bogumil Terminski, Migration, Refugees, Human Rights: Bibliographic Guide Publications in French Language, UNHCR, Geneva, 2011.

Bogumil describes that America's immigration laws as second in complexity only to the tax code. In fact, it can be said he is correct. However, his solution to make the laws more restrictive will only increase the size of the black market, incentivize more corruption and fraud, and impose greater costs on American businesses. A simplified immigration law that allows free movement of peaceful and healthy people should be the ideal.

Rogers, Chris; Ghouri, Nadene (2010). "From Kabul to an M1 service station via a dinghy: the Afghans dying to get into Britain".

In the article it describes the special report covering 4,000 miles from Kabul to a service station on the M1; Live follows the surge of Afghan immigrants driven by one belief: the Afghan campaign means the UK owes them a living.

Chaudry, A., Capps, R., Pedroza, J. M., Castaneda, R. M., Santos, R., & Scott, M. M. (2010). In U. Institute. (Ed.), Facing our future: Children in the aftermath of immigration enforcement. Washington, DC: Urban Institute.

Pedroza tries to discuss the issues in other aspect of illegal immigration, as the United States is engaged in an intense debate about immigration policy, particularly with regard to unauthorized immigrants. Debates rage about the economic contributions of immigrants to the U.S. economy, job competition, tax payments and fiscal costs, and the integration of immigrants in communities and the larger society.

Epstein, G.S., Weiss, A., 2011. The Why, When, and How Of Immigration Amnesties. Journal of Population Economics 24, 285-316.

The journal discussed the information regarding the US Immigration Amnesty, The INS interpreted the law in a very restrictive manner, and the regulations implementing the law were challenged in the Federal Court. Plaintiffs prevailed in the number of these late amnesty lawsuits, in a particular way.

Haake, C.-J., Krieger, T., Minter, S., 2010a. External border enforcement, public goods and burden sharing mechanisms in the EU. In: Zapata-Barrero, R. (Ed.), Shaping the Normative Contours of the European Union: A Migration-Border Framework, Cidob Foundation Edition, Barcelona, pp. 57-78.

The authors analyzed the problems in the building process which are related to the enforcement of the external border. The book described argument that it is the public good character of border enforcement which prevents meeting the normative implications in the area of border management.

Daniels, Roger, Coming to America: A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life, 2d ed. (Perennial 2010).

According to Roger, over time the immigration policy of the new republic ...
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