Anne Frank

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Anne Frank


Anneliese Marie Frank, known in Castilian as Anne Frank was a girl Jewish German, known worldwide thanks to Diary of Anne Frank , publishing as book of his diary, where he left a record of nearly two and a half years spent hiding with her ??family and four others, the Nazis in Amsterdam (Netherlands) during the Second World War (Anne, 456). The only survivor of the eight people in hiding was Otto Frank, his father (Mitgang, 41). Anne was sent to Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz on September 2 of 1944 and, later, to the concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen, where she died of typhus on March 12th of 1945 , just days before it was released. In 1947, just two years after the war, Otto published the diary under the title “The Secret Annex”.

Thesis statement

In this paper we will be discussing “The Dairy of a Young Girl”. The Diary of a Young Girl is a book of the writings from the Dutch language diary kept by Anne Frank while she was in hiding for two years with her family during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. Anne Frank's diary combines the elements of a public document with those of the outpourings of hidden feelings and thoughts. It is a factual document about the effects of the Holocaust on a young girl and her family, but it is also a chronicle of an adolescent's psychological and spiritual development. Anne began her diary as a private relationship between herself and her imaginary friend Kitty (Stern, 12). We will be discussing the main themes present in this dairy of a young girl.

Discussion Body

Survival in Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Few readers who pick up a copy of Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl are unaware of the demise of its titular heroine. Like 6 million other Jews, Anne Frank died in a concentration camp during World War II at the hands of Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime. It may seem strange, then, to identify survival as a guiding theme in her work (Rosenblatt, 80). However, Anne Frank's diary chronicles a succession of days in which the only task at hand for the eight people living in the annex of Otto Frank's warehouse was to survive. The fact that Anne's diary also survived extinction is a happy miracle.

The greatest stress for the denizens of the secret hiding place was the constant fear of being found. Burglars nearly found their way to the annex on more than one occasion, causing great trepidation among its inhabitants. In fact, any unusual noise or unexpected visitor below was cause for alarm. When the bell rings one evening without reason Anne "turned white at once, got a tummy-ache and heart palpitations, all from fear" (Johnson, 67). Anne suffers terrible dreams on the heels of such events. In one recurring dream, she says, "they come and take us away at night" (Rosenblatt, 81). Anne sees the annex as an island in the midst of so much chaos, ...
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