Analytical Report

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Analytical Report

Analytical Report


The media has become one of the chief sources of news delivery in the world. Every individual is aware of the fact that if they wish to take an update of the current world's happenings, all they need to do is turn on the news at the television, pick up a newspaper or look up the news on the website. However, it is evident from the current practices that media is not simply the 'watch dog' anymore. Neither is it an accurate public sphere as it was once considered or even expected to be.

One of the biggest controversial issues which have been a part of the world is the Israel and Palestine Conflict. These two neighboring countries have been at war for decades. The media has been covering the war from the time it initiated to the modern day. Sadly with the passage of time inaccuracies in reports and various other issues have cropped up, which might seem inconspicuous when observed on a micro-cosmic level but have huge effects on the macro-cosmic levels.

The public sphere is supposed to be a forum or place where the people would freely and fairly express their opinions and suggestions in regards to an issue and have it resolved. Media promised to be such a public sphere where the individuals could be informed and then their opinions might be taken for the resolution of issues but sadly, it is not doing so.


The Palestinian and Israeli issues have gained momentum over the past few years. Both countries have been accused of ignoring human rights and responsible for atrocious treatment of their opposing forces as well as inhumane strategies, tactics and attitudes. However, it is still a fact that the media has been giving the matter false coverage as well.

It has become widely known that the media has been involved in four major kind of false coverage issues namely,

1. Diction: Which involves;

a) Retaliation

b) Emotive language

2. Omission

3. Lack of verification

4. Selective reporting

5. Decontextualization


Word choice or Diction has an effect on the meaning or the interpretation of a same group of event or entities. It is understood that there is a huge semantic and emotion difference in the two verbs killed and died, as there is between murder and kill. Of the three, murder invokes the biggest negative response and signifies an intention, while death signifies innocence as well as a simple loss. When considering the said conflict, many such issues regarding the terminology uses have arisen in the past.

Two terms for the same entity, that is 'occupied territories' against 'disputed territories'; give a reflection of different viewpoint in the regards to the proper legal status of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Similarly, apartheid wall and security fence, settlement and neighborhood as well as freedom fighter, militant and terrorist are objectives that are used for describing the same entities but all the verbs put them in a different perspective and hint at a different scenario associated with ...
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