Analysis Of Future Technology

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Analysis of Future Technology

Analysis of Future Technology


Today, the era is of revolution and technology. Each day brings new ideas and discoveries. Technology is advancing day by day and with the advancement of technology there are certain risks and disaster associated with this technology. There is always a chance that any emergency and disaster can occur anytime in organizations. Disaster is the process which can stop the daily routine activities. It is important to recover from those disasters at very first stage, to avoid any losses. Primary goals of information security include the protection of information systems. With the advent of new technologies, it is becoming difficult and challenging to secure the information systems. Major goals of information security may include the reduction of risk from the systems. It has to ensure the information confidentiality of data resources. Information technology has to ensure the availability of information resource without any interruption and ensure compliance with policies.


There was a great shock on the economy of the world after 9/11. It was not easy for countries like U.S to settle and think about future technologies. China is progressing rapidly in making future technologies. The latest example of Future technology is cloud computing.

According to the survey two- thirds executives believe that knowledge management and technology tools may be key factors for companies to boom over next three years. Firms are always looking for IT tools for their employees, to take benefits of it. Firms want their employees to extract useful information from a huge amount of data. The business is either business to consumers or business to government e-procurement is popular nowadays in every market. E-procurement is only done with the help of the software application which includes many features for supplier management. With the rapid growth of Information Technology, demand of E-procurement is also growing. There may be continuous reporting of every purchase and settlements with the provision of extensive management. It provides the full access to the auditors to do audits transaction with the individual purchasers. It also provides the facility in proper time period to provide guidance to buyers to the contracted suppliers. It has improved the speed in the documentation of businesses.The competitive advantage leads the success and growth of business organizations in the market. Most firms should know that it is the thorny issue to achieve competitive advantage in 21st Century. This is the main concern which lead to ...
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