Analysis Of 2012 Movie

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Analysis of 2012 Movie

Analysis of 2012 Movie

Roland Emmerich's 2012 brings together the end of the world and government conspiracy in a way not particularly explored before. It also, I must imagine, breaks the record for how many people die in a film. Unfortunately, this is pretty well where the positive discussion of the film ends, and hopefully, you didn't realize it had begun.

Our story begins a few years ago with the discovery that the sun is starting to do weird things, and the short version of the story is that there isn't much time left until the Earth starts going through a monumentally unhappy time. The world is, more or less, going to end. The governments of the world are notified, and the politicians begin planning their plans. A key part of their plan is to make sure no one finds out. Jump forward to the present day, and as things are coming to a head (quite a bit ahead of schedule), we meet Jackson Curtis (John Cusack).

The movie 2012 was directed by Roland Emmerich (1955-), and the release happened in 2009. There are at least two perspectives on 2012. The first (and naive) is about physical destruction of humankind (and probably the planet). That most likely will not happen in foreseeable future. In all times there are people who make (understandable) mistake of mixing comprehension of their own mortality (and relative speed of it's happening) with the end of humankind. The former and the later are not the same

The second perspective on 2012 is the subtle one. It is about transformation of human consciousness. Recently Eckhart Tolle wrote about it in his book titled New Earth. Before that Vladimir Vernadsky and Teilhard de Chardin talked about Noosphere. There is no doubt that this transformation has been happening for all those years; it cannot be stopped. Some people are still trying to do not notice (i.e. ignore) these changes

Although, mainly, the move deals with the brutal version of 2012 (physical destruction), there are also some signs of comprehension that there is more subtle version of 2012 too. At least, there are indirect hints and that feel and flavour of evolving consciousness. To name a few

Technology, science, human cooperation, unshakable faith in human heart (shared values) can save people

Prayers to gods, cultivating symbols that represents gods, performing religious rituals do not save people

Disidentification with specific culture and nationality

Everyone is just human being when we are facing mass distinction

Every artifact of the humanity is our common heritage regardless where in what country we were born, what our skin colour, or in what culture we were raised

The movie is based on various myths from various cultures. In particular, the move reminds Bible's version of the flood myth. (Not only because of Noah's arc full of animals, but also in small bit like this: After 27 days (why 27, by the way?) of floating in the ocean, people sent out pigeons… helicopters to check what's around) What is remarkable is that the apocalypse shown as not God's punishment for violations of moral ...
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