An Idea To Change The World

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An idea to change the world

An idea to change the world

Change in any business has become an essential element to survive in the market and to make the customers satisfied. There are hundreds and thousands of ways and techniques that could assist the businesses to improve their productivity, quality and customer satisfaction. If companies do not respond to the changes, they will become victims of their own success. Therefore, companies should constantly look into ways to change their process in order to survive in the rapidly changing world.

Good communication within the company increases the exposure of workers and reduces their resistance to change. Communication is the basis for the essential functions of the organization. Through excellent communication, employees know what is going on in the company, what the planned activities are and who will be responsible for a responsibility. Organizations lacking in effective communication between the employees create severe issues for the management of an organization. People may not properly know their responsibility, which will result in delayed processes and will reduce the efficiency of the organization.

In this paper, we will discuss the issue of Mama Love Est, which plans to convert its wholesale business into retail business. Communication is a very important of an organization and we will see how communicational changes could affect the organization.


Communication in Organization

The rapid changes of globalization, with the new dynamics of the markets, where consumers have more information in less time, are demanding new standards of international corporate communications (ICC), strategic planning models of communication to reach all levels the company and reflect on the good reputation of the organization.  In the 90, market demand led companies to take on new challenges in the field of communication for positioning companies, products and brands. The journalists started to have a strategic position to communicate the core business, to position the company reputation and image are reflected in sales, profitability and long-term relationships based on trust and credibility with all stakeholders.  According to Joan Costa, founder and president of the American Association of Strategic Communication, AICE, "companies are worlds in action. Highly complex bodies immersed in a world of constant change and expansion: markets, institutions, society, global world. All internal or external change affects the company and it requires effective responses in their decision-making and their ways of relating, managing and acting” (Johansen, 1984).

In every organization and business, we deal with two types of information flow, formal and informal. All communication paths within the organization is the result of overlap between the two sorts of communication. Communication is the responsibility of each employee of the institution. All participate in it from lower to upper management. Effective communication with employees, customers, shareholders, community neighbors and other stakeholders is essential for the company. Relationships with people are set to communicate effectively with them, to achieve the desired results (Heath, 2010).

There are two types of reactions, which are positive or negative reaction. If the change is positive, the individual needs to have five stages of clarification these ...
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