The afflicted world in which we live is characterized by deeply unequal sharing of the burden of adversities between females and males. Gender inequality exists in most part of the world, from Japan to South America, from Nepal to United States of America. "Men have always been afraid that women could get along without them," say Margaret Mead. She is one of the member of cultural feminism. Women have always had lower status than men, but the extent of the gap between the sexes varies across cultures and time (some arguing that it is inversely related to social evolution). (Deaux, 125)
Gender Differences: America Now
According to the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 there are more complex issues surface and the significant progress has been made on the following topics. The people attending that landmark discussion would not even have imagined the issues of the Women's Rights Movement in the 1990s. Much of the discussion has moved beyond the issue of equal rights, into territory that is controversial, and even among feminists. For example likes: women's reproductive rights, whether or not women can terminate pregnancies is still controversial twenty-five years after the Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade affirmed women's choice during the first two trimesters, women in leadership roles in religious worship and Social Security benefits allocated equally for homemakers and their working spouses, to keep surviving wives from poverty as widows. (Deaux, 125)
In the 1930s, 26 of 48 states had laws prohibiting the employment of married women. (It was the midst of the Great Depression and there were not enough jobs to keep the men out of political mischief, so married women had to go.) Later in 1980, the United Nations summed up the burden of this inequality: Women, who comprise half the world's population, do two thirds of the world's work, earn one tenth of the world's income and own one hundredth of the world's property. (Deaux, 125)
From past to present, cohort differences and changes in agreement with statement: Women should take care of running their homes and leaves the running of the country up to men. Looking at Queen Isabella, Pocahontas, Emily Dickinson, and Women's Right Movement. All these women's helped sharp our social values and our rights, but still there are many faces of gender inequality. For example, special opportunity inequality. Even when there is relatively little difference in basic facilities including schooling, the opportunity of ...