Alternative Medicine

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Alternative medicine


The CAM is the set of healing practices that are not currently considered part of " conventional medicine "or not applying scientific criteria to establish their validity and are, therefore, considered pseudoscience from certain sectors. These include, for example, acupuncture, the chiropractic, the massage and homeopathy. Therapies people use complementary and alternative medicine in different ways. When used alone they are often called "alternatives." When used in conjunction with conventional medicine, they are often called "complementary."

The list of what is considered CAM changes continually, as once it is established that a particular therapy is effective and safe, it must be incorporated into conventional health treatment, ceasing to be an alternative, like when there are approaches new to health care. Before moving any step further and making any assumptions from the effects or side effects for that matter consulting physician is extremely important because when it comes to diabetes the insulin levels and glucose levels are needed to be checked at regular intervals. Over the last fifteen years has promoted the assessment of these modalities of treatment methods and scientific objectives, with an extremely poor outcome, because none of them has succeeded in proving their effectiveness. (Fan, 2005, p.25)

Complementarily between medicine, instead of the traditional and integrated difference? Use of traditional medicine with complementary medicine. An example of adjuvant therapy is the use of aromatherapy to help alleviate the patient's discomfort after surgery.Rather than surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy of cancer by conventional doctors recommend. (Crumley, 2006, p. 59) Including the traditional medical treatments and practices vary from one country to another big change, from one region to another according to NCCAM, is medicine, by a physician (doctor), or (with osteopathy physician) and other health professionals who practice , for example, physiotherapists, psychologists, occupational therapists, nurses, podiatrists, speech therapists and nurses graduates. ...
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