Alexander Graham Bell

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Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell


Alexander Graham Bell popular for the invention of first practical telephone was an eminent scientist, teacher, inventor, innovator and engineer. He got fame for the invention of telephone however he has contributed to the field of science especially engineering significantly with his numerous inventions, patents and ideas. He was an innovator who gave the world of engineering new domains to learn upon and grow upon. His contribution in the field of engineering places him amongst the most influential scientists and inventors of the world. He is referred amongst the greats of Sir Isaac Newton and Elbert Einstein.

He has his ancestors from the region of Edinburgh, Scotland. He had two siblings both died of tuberculosis left him the lone son of Professor Alexander Melville Bell and Eliza Grace. His mother was deaf and father was a teacher. The family of Bell was famous for their effort in elocution and speech. His grandfather, father and brother all were interested in the domain of elocution and speech. His grandfather taught elocution in London, his uncle in Dublin and his father in Edinburgh.


Alexander's life at Edinburgh

Since his early years in Edinburgh Alexander showed elements of genius when he created his first invention at the age of 10 with his neighbor for the neighbor's mill of flour. Alexander was very much concerned with the deafness of his mother; she got deaf when he was only 12. Alexander mimicked voice in such frequencies which was clearly understood by his mother. It was because of his mother that Alexander started taking interest in acoustics.

Alexander received his early education from his father at home. At a very early age he was enrolled into Royal High School for formal education which he left by the age of 15. His school grades were mainly dominated by absentees; he wasn't interested in formal school education and was keen in studying biology against his father's will. After completing only for forums he left the school and Edenbrugh to live with his grandfather in London. It was in London his grandfather developed a love in Alexander's mind for education. As he returned to Edinburgh he quickly became one of the best students. At the age of 16 when his family was shifting towards Canada, Alexander had completed his matriculation and was offered admission in University of London.

Alexander's family specially his father encouraged his interest in sounds and took him to the exhibition of a unique automaton created by Sir Charles Wheatstone inspired by the work of Von kempelen. Alexander got fascinated by the invention and purchased his own version of Von Kempelen; he with his brother translated the book into English and then worked to create their own speaking head. His brother was assigned the task of mouth and larynx while Alexander took the responsibility of creating the skull. Windpipe was used to ejaculate words from the mouth of the machine; the words were limited but attracted huge crowds from neighborhood to witness the invention of the ...
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