Agile Software Development

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Agile Software Development

Agile Software Development


Agile software development is the generic term for the use of agility in software development. Depending on the context, the term refers to portions of the software development as in the case of Agile Modeling or in the entire software development process, which is an example extreme programming. Agile software development attempts depend on little bureaucracy, and few rules to get along. The agile approach to software development is an alternative to the traditional software development processes [such as Rational Unified Process (RUP) or the V-model], which is increasingly seen as a heavyweight, document-heavy and bureaucratic process. Agile processes are taking different approaches, but what does "agile" mean and what is the objective of such software. It is important to determine the values, principles and methods characterizing such a development process and what claims has an agile procedure to project participants? And what problems are fighting agile projects? This paper offers insights into the principles of agile software development.


The goal of agile software development is to make the software development process more flexible and thinner than the traditional approach. One would like to focus more on the objectives to be achieved and consider technical and social problems in software development. The Agile software development is a countermovement to the often heavy and bureaucratic respected traditional software development processes like the Rational Unified Process or the V-model (Winston, Royce, 1970, pp. 328-339).

Historical Development

Popularity of the agile software development reached its peak for the first time in 1999, when Kent Beck and others wrote the first book about Extreme Programming. Interest in extreme programming paved the way for other agile processes and methods. The term was agile for this software development in February 2001 at a meeting in Utah selected as a replacement for the commonly used software. At this meeting, the Agile Manifesto was also formulated (Sillince, 1996, pp. 1-31). By the end of 2005, Forrester Research released a study stating that 14% of enterprises develop their software with the help of agile processes in North America and Europe. Another 19% are thinking about using this software.

Parts Agile Software Development

Agile values form the foundation. Agile principles are based on the Agile values and principles of action form. Agile methods are procedures during software development, based on the values and principles. The Agile process is the combination of all methods and is used for agile software development (Mary Poppendieck, Tom Poppendieck, 2003, p. 3).


The values are the foundation of agile software development. In February 2001, 17 original signatories to these values as the Agile Manifesto have been formulated

1.Individuals and interactions over processes and tools: Although there is well developed plan and processes, however, it requires trained staff to carry out the processes.

2.Working software over comprehensive documentation -. Well-written and thorough documentation can be helpful, but the real goal of development is the finished software. 3.Collaboration with the client over contract negotiation: The software depends upon the continuous development of software with the help ...
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