[Software Development Methodologies: A Comparative Study Agile Methodology and the Traditional System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)]
I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible (Bangladesh, 2004).
I, [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis represent my own unaided work, and that the dissertation/thesis has not previously been submitted for academic examination towards any qualification. Furthermore, it represents my own opinions and not necessarily those of the University (Bangladesh, 2004).
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In this study, we try to explore the concept of “Topic” in a holistic context. The focus of the research is on “Topic” and its relation with “Subtopic”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “topic” and tries to gauge its effect on “subtopic”. Finally, the research describes various factors, which are responsible for “topic”, and tries to describe the overall effect of “Topic” on “Subtopic” (Government, 2004).
Table of Contents
Theoretical framework6
Complex Adaptive Systems8
Complex Adaptive System Characteristics9
Complex Adaptive Systems and Organizations11
Relationship to New Product Development and Project Management12
New Product Development13
New Product Development Processes14
Rational plan14
Communication web15
Disciplined problem solving15
Controlling Uncertainty16
Traditional Project Management17
Controlling Uncertainty19
Agile Project Management History20
Controlling Uncertainty21
Scrum Methodology Changes to the Project Management Role22
Decision Uncertainty24
Project Manager Role Change24
Loss of Control and Increased Stress25
Coping with Decision Uncertainty26
Importance Of Software Development Methodologies In The Professional Fields27
An overview of agile methods28
Lenses for the analysis32
Comparative analysis of the existing agile methods34
Project management35
Software development life-cycle36
Abstract principles vs. concrete guidance37
Universally predefined vs. situation appropriate38
Empirical evidence41
Theoretical framework
This chapter addresses literature relevant to the study research question, specifically: "How do project managers experience and describe decision uncertainty associated with the agile software development methodology?" Since this study used a qualitative research approach, the purpose was to discover new information based on the participant's experiences of a specific phenomenon rather than to validate previous knowledge or theories (Creswell, 2007; Patton, 2002). The literature review provides a thematic framework to explore and understand the experiences of agile software development project managers, something not currently addressed in the scholarly literature. This study is important in a larger context of Industrial/Organizational
Psychology because, as Hartman (2008, p. 267) stated, "A project manager's primary tool is their mind. Finding new ways to prepare the mind for effective project management is needed if we want to advance the profession." Literature for this review was selected based on relevance to the research topic of managing projects under uncertainty. This included data collection from multiple domains such as manufacturing, software development, mathematics, business management, and psychology. Literature from each of these domain areas included scholarly sources, most of which were published in the last five years, as well as primary non-scholarly sources such as those from agile software development thought leaders.
This collection of sources was reviewed and analyzed to build an integrated framework for the data collection and analysis aspects of this study. The researcher's point of view during the review was as a project ...