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Agency Name, Address, Phone Number

The Welcome Centre in Vaughan.Address: 9100 Jane StreetBuilding HUnit 56-69CanadaTelephone: 416-238-1033

The Agency Mandate, Mission Statement And Anti-Discrimination Policies

The Welcome Centre in Vaughan is an organization of service contributors founded in acknowledgment of the want for sustainable, long-term, funding of human services and integrated planning. It offers a all services in 01 roof intended to support and guide immigrants with the network of resources and information in Region of York. (

A General Description Of The Population Served And Their Needs

The population served are immigrants from different countries to Canada. They need different sort of programs such as culturally-suitable family counseling, mental health services, legal services, etc. The immigrants are provided with different services under 01 roof. The concept was offered as a technique to sustain the need for assistance, resources, and information in a friendly, culturally-responsive manner. (Hawkins, 2000)

The Programs Offered By The Agency

The programs offered by the agency contain employment supports, language training; qualifications & accreditation information, and integration & settlement services. The Welcome Centre in Vaughan is the main organization that also works in collaboration with other participating community agencies to establish the suitable blend of added programs and services (for instance culturally-suitable family therapy, mental health services, legal services, etc.). Many additional services may be presented occasionally, derived from the needs of the community. (DeRocco, 2008)

The Agency Structure Including A Flow Chart Of Accountability

The Welcome Centres are directed by an exclusive corporation of immigrant serving community associations with;

Job Skills and Social Enterprise for Canada

COSTI Immigrant Services

Centre for Information and Community Services (CICS)

Catholic Community Services of York Region (CCSYR)

The Partnerships The Placement Has With Other Agencies/Organizations

Besides other services, The Welcome Centre in Vaughan function with other organizations and groups to offer other specialized and needed services to meet up needs of the community. The Welcome Centre in Vaughan has been in touch with 05 main organizations. It has recognized other functioning details, resolved budgetary timelines and needs, expanded the service delivery form, and obtained financial support from CIC to convert the idea into an actuality. In June 2007, the first Centre formally opened in Vaughan. Other 04 Welcome Centres came into effect in 2010. The partner organizations include:

Job Skills and Social Enterprise for Candada (SEC)

Centre for Information & Community Services (CICS)

COSTI Immigrant Services

Catholic Community Services of York Region (CCSYR)

The organization additionally works in collaboration with other participating community agencies to establish the suitable blend of added programs and services (for instance culturally-suitable family therapy, mental health services, legal services, etc.). Many additional services may be presented occasionally, derived from the needs of the community.

The Agency's Funding Sources

Welcome Centre Immigrant Services is sponsored by the Regional Government.


In this part I have selected 02 specific programs or agency functions. I describe the programs in detail here. There are two sort of immigrant who will benefit from my suggested programs, expert workers and fresh workers.

1. On-The-Job Training

The first programs that can be arranged for immigrants by the Welcome Centre is On-the-job ...
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