Commercial advertising has habitually been a centered characteristic of American culture. As found in the media is omnipresent and inescapable. Most Americans take for granted the "rules" of advertising, although that may not be aware that formal guidelines exist and may have little or no idea what the legal effect of such guidelines could be. The commercials are widely accepted as fair and legitimate marketing (Kern 55).
Contrast the world of political advertising. In recent years, political advertising has become essential to the strategy of the campaign (at least in large campaigns), and many believe it is much more intrusive than routine commercial advertising. But the world of political advertising is very different from the world of advertising. There is really no "rules" in regard to content and form of political advertising. Political advertisers are not accountable to any regulatory body, voluntary or otherwise, for the accuracy of their claims (Jamieson 12).
Advertising in the style of George W. Bush
Since the beginning, Bush and his advisers knew that I could never have been chosen as a common candidate. He had run three businesses in the earth, and was associated with shady stock deals such as Harkin Energy. He got into the "champagne unit" of the Texas Air National Guard at a time when their peers were being drafted and death in Vietnam, and then not fulfills its commitment jury of six years. He was governor of a state that was at the bottom of the rankings in education, health and literacy. His verbal errors were - and are - legendary.
So Karl Rove, one of the most brilliant political operators ever, Bush repackaged as a brand. Instead of a Yale graduate who was descended from a blue-blood family from Connecticut, Bush was presented as step Texan problems. Instead of showing your home to 10,000 square feet in an area that is larger than that of Kennedy and Kerry compounds combined, Bush told everyone who lived on a ranch. Instead of defending his being the only presidential candidate in history convicted of a felony (drunk driving), Bush shifted the debate to President Clinton's adultery. While hobnobbing with Enron CEO Ken Lay, indicted Tom DeLay and Jack Abramoff influenced vendor, who pleaded guilty to bribing government officials, Bush adroitly "placed" himself as a pharmacy, the truck driving man.
The advertising style of George W. Bush reflects that:
Images are more important than text: Bush carefully manages its stage backdrop. If you are not standing in front of military service members, who is in front of a sign printed with the slogan positive. For example, more than 33 months after the invasion of Iraq, Bush recently stood before a backdrop in the U.S. Naval Academy with the words "A Plan for Victory" printed repeatedly.
PR is the most powerful brand: According to the General Accounting Office (GAO), Bush spends four times more on PR than any of his predecessors. Its public relations department has twice as many employees as the Clinton administration. Public relatives agency Ketchum was paid ...