Affecting Women

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HPV Affecting Women

HPV Affecting Women


Infection with Human Papilloma Virus is very common and the number of carriers has increased alarmingly because most of them have no visible symptoms, do not feel sick or has trouble and the group at highest risk is women under 20 years they have sex. This infection is caused by the human papilloma virus, which is a microorganism that may disappear naturally as the body of man and woman without sequelae or may lie dormant and when it develops a very violent attack. These viruses have the ability to mutate constantly, making it also a dangerous and very difficult to control. The more than 100 types identified, have been classified by the location of the body that cause most injuries and sexually transmitted. Other forms of infection affecting the medical staff, to make laser vaporization, and that you could get particles that float in the air if they are not properly protected. (Syrjänen, 2010)

The human papilloma virus (HPV) are the cause of one of the most common diseases that are transmitted sexually,condyloma acuminata, also known as warts on the penis or venereal warts, which occur mainly on the genitals, anus or near them or in the mouth, both men and women, if you have oral sex. The lesions occur more severely in people who have vaginal discharge, poor personal hygiene or who are pregnant, which can also cause a problem in the baby may become infected at the time of birth.

The virus has an incubation period ranging from few weeks to several months after infection and since there are no obvious symptoms of infection, i.e. asymptomatic, the risk of infection and spread is very large. Papilloma virus is possible to detect until warts appear outside or while playing a routine Pap smear in women when they have some changes in the cervix or womb. One of the most severe problems is that some of these viruses are associated with cervical cancer in Mexico; it is considered that about 4,000 annual deaths of women from this cancer are associated with HPV. (Gillison, 2009)

Discussion and Analysis

The infection with both women and men is the same as other sexually transmitted diseases and manifests itself mainly similar to those caused by viruses; there are no symptoms or obvious injuries, causing the infection to spread easily to others. Genital warts or warts are caused by some types of HPV. In women the warts appear on the labia, vagina, and cervix or near the anus. Manifested in the form of warts on the outside and inside of the vagina, especially on the lips and in the cervix. Many times the woman concerned has chronic flow usually does not respond to conventional treatments. In the male appear on the penis and scrotum and around the anus if you have sex.

They may also appear on other body parts like the mouth, esophagus, palate, lips and more. The evolution of the lesions is unpredictable: they may disappear, grow or remain stable. The diagnosis is made ??by cytology or colposcopy and discovered during the course of the analysis of ...
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