Advertising And Psychology

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Advertising and Psychology

Advertising and Psychology


Advertising is everywhere, in the street, in magazines, on radio, television, Internet. But what are its effects on the individual? How to advertise she directs our thoughts? How does it influence our feelings?

There are few books that deal with a psychological approach to advertising. However, advertising is a great field of investigation of human cognition, seeking the individual as to his skills of perception, memory or understanding. Through advertising, it is also the company that expressed and talking to her. Combining these two dimensions, cognitive and social, the authors of this book - professional communicators and teachers of psychology - are proposing to clarify the psychological mechanisms at work in the advertising.

What are the social representations at work in advertising? What stereotypes does it? How the individual stores there commercials? What packaging process they induce? How neuroscience can they understand the mechanisms of persuasion advertising? The diversity of issues addressed in this book makes an exciting and innovative work that can decipher the impact of advertising we exposed daily.

Human Psychology

The criterion of a compelling advertising is to leave a "taste" positive. Feelings are not something finally, ordinary, and behind them are judgments and values. All direct measurements have proven inefficient, because the man is wise only for the experience.

The words appropriate and similar methods have no effect by the mere fact that rational tendencies, the self that wants to provoke, fully succumb in the struggle with the trends of the primitive person who typically has the force of instincts (Hood, 2005).

The Impact of Advertising

The current market, with its fleet transports, is regional, national and even international, and commercial transactions are tailored, technically, these vast geographical requirements.

It is noted that the role of advertising to seduce the consumer, making you feel dissatisfied with their living standards, encourage it to aim higher and work harder to make achievements. The desire to achieve a higher standard of living is relatively modern, the result largely of Western civilization and, until recently, was mainly longing for the urban population. The social function of advertising is to stimulate bodily desires, inciting to work more to earn more.

Advertising is an integral part of the consumer economy, if not stimulated the appetite of consumers would not be possible to renew stocks and repeat sales, the annual rate required.

Advertising as a Tool of Motivation

Virtually all human behavior is a form of self expression. With everything that we buy an indication to others of the kind of person we are, thus contributing to identify to the world in general. Every product characterized in part by their functional properties and in part by public attitudes towards it.

You have to believe that objects have actually chosen functional and economic advantages. However, aspects, psychological aspects must be also desirable. The reason is that the announcement ideal is a successful combination of both forces of attraction. It is a mixture of emotion and logic, realism and fantasy, in varying proportions.

In verbal communication, there is always some degree of emotional ...
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