Academic And Personal Development

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Academic and Personal Development

Academic and Personal Development

Academic and Personal Development


Communication plays an essential role in all the fields and walks of life, including management and business. With the advances in fields of study and changes in the global business environment, a number of changes have taken place in the forms and modes of communication and various forms and types of organizational communication have been developed to assist managers and leaders in communicating with their subordinates and the team members. It is eminent to mention here that these formal means of communications are different from the other and usual informal means of communication, with the formal means being more developed and organized as compared to the informal means of communication (Miller, 2008, Pp: 42- 46). The formal means of communication include emails, memos, brochures, booklets as well as letters, which are presented at various instances and have various purposes behind them. It should be noted that the language as well as format of these formal means of communication is defined and set, and any deviation from the standard results in failure to accomplish the purpose or communication.


Although a number of methods can be adopted for carrying out formal communication, letter is the most commonly used and traditional form of communication that is still used by a large number of organizations and managers. Although the hardcopies have been largely replaced by emails now, letters are still widely used for conveying the formal messages, which includes making announcements, sharing information with the employees or updating them regarding their performance and related issues. The following paragraphs present an analysis of the tow different forms of business communication, one being an email reminder while the other is letter response to a proposal (Manning, 1992, Pp: 102). The paragraphs would provide an analysis of the communication, combined with the purpose of communication, the audience as well as the context in which the words and the phrase are used. In addition, the views and opinions regarding improvement in the communication and methods for describing the situation would also be described to highlight the importance of formal communication.

Appendix A contains an email reminder to the employees of an organization by their manager, reminding them to add the name of the organization in the beginning of each email. The purpose of the email is to remind them of the announcement that has been explained before and to make them realize that the previous assignment was important and should be implemented. The email has been sent by the manager of the organization and is directed towards the employees who are directed to use particular methods for sending email as well as mail to the recipients. The form of transmission is email and the letter is electronically sent to all the employees as a reminder for the announcement to add the address of the company in their emails and to make right use of the packaging stickers.

In my opinion, the email has not used to right and desired formal language ...
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