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Marriage is the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex. It is the legal and lawful relationship between the partners. Similarly, same sex marriages are the practice of marriage between two males or females. Same-sex marriage has received constant media attention within the last two decades, yet little attention has been paid to those who comprise same-sex families. Opinions regarding same-sex couples and parenting have not changed greatly over the years and they are typically clouded by the stereotypes that pervade society, similar to those revolving around homosexuality.

Table of Contents


Outline of the Paper3



Homosexuality And Same-Sex Marriages6

Proponents of Same-Sex Marriage9

Opponents of Same-Sex Marriage10


Works Cited14

Annotated Bibliography16

An Argument for Same-Sex Marriage

Outline of the Paper


Under this section I have mentioned a breif background about the topic of the paper egarding the concept of same sex marriage in today's world.


In this section, I have provided all the literature regrding same sex marriage and different views regarding this issue in America.

Homosexuality And Same-Sex Marriages

This part will discribe the basic concept of homosexuality and marriage of homosexuals. It will also describe the current law regarding sme sex marriage.

Proponents of Same-Sex Marriage

Here I will mention different opinions that favor or agree to the concept of same sex marriage in America and around the world.

Opponents of Same-Sex Marriage

This section presents various opinions opposing homosexuality and same sex marriage considering it as a sin and danger to the society.


I will conclude this paper by providing my personal opinion regarding homosexulity and same sex marriage and present concluding remarks in this section.


“Same-sex couples are commonly covered in the media as well as current political discussions on both the state and national levels. Many of these discussions have focused on the definition of who should be able to marry” (Paul and Clyde, 599). Based on those discussions, laws and policies have been instituted granting the right to marry to a select portion of the U.S. population. Same-sex marriage has been a highly controversial subject that garners a plethora of media attention; however, there is a closely related issue that has not received as much focus. “Although it is an integral part of the same-sex marriage debate, same-sex families have received less attention in the media and potentially in the sentiments of the general public” (Paul and Clyde, 599).

What is known about this topic is rather general and encompasses the following:

There is a continuous and heated debate over same-sex unions.

“Attitudes towards homosexuality have become increasingly more favorable over the past few decades; yet there is not necessarily an increase in knowledge regarding same-sex relationships. This is due in part to most questions that are being asked of the general public are asked in the abstract, as opposed to getting concrete details about their specific knowledge on these issues” (Paul and Clyde, 599).

The increased focus on same-sex unions has brought attention on a specific subset of the issue, families with children, where the parents are homosexual.

While the presence of same-sex families within ...
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