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In this study we try to explore the concept of “Food and Health” Through analyzing the movies “Food Inc.”. The main focus of the research is on the health issues raised in the movie. The research provides summary of the movie, and the history and current trends in US health system. Finally the research describes the causes and effects, and provides possible solutions to the problem.

Table of Contents

Summary of the Movie1

Importance of Healthy Food1

Affects on Society2

Food-Related Health Statistics2

History and Current Status of Food System in the US2






Works Cited8


Food Inc. and Food System in the US

Summary of the Movie

The movie is divided in to three separate segments. In the First Segment, the production of meat (pork, beef, and chicken) in industry is portrayed. The production is labeled as inhumane as well as environmentally and economically unsustainable. In the segment, industrial production of vegetables (soy and corn beans) and grains is shown. The final and third segment of the movie shows legal and economic powers (For example, food label laws). Profits are generated through supplying contaminated and cheap food, usage of harmful chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides, and the encouragement of unhygienic food habits by Americans.

Food, Inc. was released in 2008; it's a documentary of 93 min directed by Robert Kenner. The main focus of the film is on unhygienic processing and manufacturing of food items that we eat daily. The film revolve around the deceptive image of corporate that proudly claims to produce hundred percent safe food, but the story is totally different Food Inc. shows the true picture of how the raw material is processed before converting it into the final product. The film examines the corporate farming in the United States, and the picture it shows is horrible i.e. standards of safe food laws were not being followed in farms. The film concluded that agribusiness in the United States produces unhealthy food, which is environmentally harmful for both animals and employees. It also emphasizes on the fact that animals are not treated humanely which is again not a right way of doing business. The film is narrated by Michael Pollan and Eric Schlosser (Goldstein, pp.1).

Importance of Healthy Food

Affects on Society

By eating unhygienic food one can have an adverse effect on the health. The most common issue is food poisoning. Food poisoning usually results from consuming unhygienic food containing pathogenic bacteria (NSW Food Authority, 2011). Food poisoning causes nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, or fever. A bacterium which plays an important role in making humans ill is known as pathogens. They are present everywhere including in humans and animals. When these bacteria enter in to the human body through unhygienic food causes food borne illness. The symptoms remain for three or four days but sometimes it can increase depending on the age of individual. Importance of health can be scaled by the fact that Healthcare reform is the most heated debate which is currently going on in the US. This is the underlying importance of health ...
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