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In this study we try to explore the concept of “Attraction” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Attraction” and its relation with “people”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Attraction” and tries to gauge its effect on “People”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “Attraction” and tries to describe the overall effect of “Attraction” on “people”.

Table of Contents


Discussion and Analysis3

Attraction: Reciprocity3

Other Personal Characteristics4

The Similarity5


Each Feather Flock Together6

Opposites Attract7


Works Cited9

Why people are attracted to each other?


The law of attraction is a law of the universe we attract into our lives exactly what they more we focus on. Our thoughts and feelings about vibrational frequencies emitted in the form of messages to the Universe. Try to imagine the universe as a vast mirror, with the difference that this mirror is the creator; do not return an image, but an accurate reflection of what situation you think. Whatever you think and feel you return it reflected in situations, emotions. No matter who or you are. The law of attraction operates forever and worldwide.

Discussion and Analysis

Although we are tired of hearing that physical appearance, is not really important while personality it is, studies show that we like looking at attractive people for simple aesthetic pleasure, are better treated, better considered as persons (their external beauty extends to the interior: sympathy, competence, kindness), and is believed to have a chance of a better future and be happier than the unattractive (Eastwick & Finkel, 246). This general behavior is observed since childhood, where children are more likely to handsome to be chosen as friends and less to be blamed for misbehaving teachers, so that later they will develop greater confidence and higher self-esteem (Graziano & Bruce, 270).

Attraction: Reciprocity

According to research, has confirmed that people are attracted to those people you like. This shows that these people have a good sense to appreciate its qualities. It does not always work that way. If a person has a good sense of self, appreciate and respond well to flattery, as if your concept is low or negative, means such flattery as a way of trying to take advantage of them, that is intended to be false flattery an end (Schmitt, 258).

There are other reasons why a person can trouble themselves with praise despite sincere believe them, because he feels obliged to return the compliment, because they fear being criticized later or having to maintain that "a good level" and fail the look cocky or immodest etc (Miller et al., 47). Largely meets the compliment when it is received from someone we respect and admire, especially if they consider him honest.

Other Personal Characteristics

There are other traits in people, as well as physical attractiveness, influencing the attraction developed by one person.

a) Friendliness, including sociability, kindness, sense of humor and good character, a quality much appreciated and we can even believe that there is a person only by the echo that others have defined us as well. Without being required to have ...
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