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In this study, we try to explore the concept of “Architectural design” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Architectural design” and its relation with “Albany City.” The research also analyzes many aspects of “Architectural design” and tries to gauge its effect on “Albany City.” Finally, the research describes various factors, which are responsible for “Architectural design,” and tries to describe the overall effect of “Architectural design” on “Albany City.”

Table of contents




Albany as the center of transportation2

Development of Albany through the years3

Construction of Fort Amsterdam3

The British heritage in Albany6



Albany City


Albany is the capital of New York State. According to statistics, Albany has 95,658 inhabitants (2000). The city is located 233 kilometers to the west of New York, near the confluence of the rivers Mohawk and Hudson.

When the British took control of the New Netherland colony in the year 1664, they first renamed the colony to Albany. The city of Albany has a long history dating back from the start of 16th century. The city of Albany has a genuine variety of a number of styles of architecture in the past few centuries, especially in the period from 1609 and 1825 in which the Dutch and the British had played a huge role in the development of physical place and buildings in the country. On top of a great history, Albany has had an exceedingly assorted population, which ranges from workers in the different factories to business tycoons, from paupers to presidents, that has successively provided inhabitants of Albany, who have always given great value to immensely different styles and goals of the architecture (Gelernter1999, 89). The architecture of Albany has developed throughout the centuries; therefore, we can say that the Albany city is a pure symbol of America's style and grace.


The regal history of Albany had commenced when the Englishman, Henry Hudson, searching for the West India Company with Dutch origin on the ship namely half Moon, had made it in the area in the year 1609. Throughout the year 1610, a number of organizations established a business of trade of fur in the area. In the year 1624, the Dutch built the installations of military, for the first time in the colony of New-Dutch, Nieuw-Nederland, Fort Orange, and adverted in honor of the Princes of Orange.

Albany as the center of transportation

The city of Albany has always been a center of transportation throughout the history of the city. Towards the end, of the 18th century and in the start of the 19th century, Albany had seen the evolution of the toll road and by the year 1815; Albany city was the center turnpike of the New York State. The growth gridded block system of Simeon De Witt's in the year 1794 that had given Albany, its archetype mammal and bird names for streets, was crossed by the crucial arterials that were appearing from Albany. The arrival of the turnpike, in colligation with the railroad and canal systems, had built Albany as the center of transportation for initiates, ...
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